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Everything posted by Steph

  1. That is very believable to me. I'm not sure when that started being so believable to me -- I didn't used to think it possible -- but now it makes sense. If transitionals were in 10's and 20's, that would leave room for patch style marbles in the 30's. Then the war. Then the well-known and well-made cat's eyes.
  2. We got quite the extension of the warm weather. First snowflakes today. Nothing that will stick.
  3. Bump coz I'm so excited by seeing foreign-looking marbles in a 1929 ad in that vending machine thread. My paradigm is slipping. Maybe prematurely but bumping anyway.
  4. ... need you over here: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/19348-marble-vending-machines Am I looking at an assortment of foreign marbles? Made in the 20's? *head asploded*
  5. This is the February 1930 ad -- their photo of the machine is overlaid with another photo -- an image of crude swirls: http://aa.arcade-museum.com/Automatic-Age-1930-02/Automatic-Age-1930-02-119.pdf They say that they have 14 different assortments and every time you order you get a different assortment. Here is a June 1929 ad -- with more text, no photo: http://aa.arcade-museum.com/Automatic-Age-1929-06/Automatic-Age-1929-06-107.pdf
  6. Do you guys see cat's eyes too?
  7. I'm practically positive that it's too early for Akro. As in 99.999999999% sure. Peltier might have had Peerless Patches at that time, but they would have been nice ones. So I started to wonder if these might be Japanese marbles. Now it looks like I'm seeing some cat's eyes in there too. Too weird. At first I wondered if the magazine date might be wrong, but no, there is apparently no typo there. It's 1929. That marble assortment is Just. Too. Weird.
  8. Was wandering through and noticed this thread .... ..... and then looked at the marbles in the vending machine ...... Do I see patches? And equatorial ribbons? .... maybe even marbles with both equatorial ribbons and a patch on the end?? ??? In September of 1929?????? Who could have made them in September of 1929?
  9. Cool! I have one of my mother's tops. I also have some other tops to practice with since I don't want to practice with hers.
  10. Rubbing alcohol comes with an expiration date.
  11. Thanks. I'll go take some ibuprofen.
  12. My arm might be better now. Two-and-a-half months later. I suspect I broke it in more than one spot. The elbow and a couple of inches lower. I really shoulda gone to see the doctor. But nothing was protruding so I kept saying it was okay. But it wasn't. But I think it is now. I don't dare lift anything heavy with that arm alone but I have most of my range of motion back.
  13. For the record, we have learned that Ray Laubs made it. Some elaboration about the monkeys.
  14. Hi Gail. This site is about toy glass marbles. Need to find one about things made out of real marble. Good luck in your pursuits.
  15. It really is in good shape. Maybe someone else might know the marbles and be able to show us without the bag being opened? Oooops ... I'm not doing that right! Open! Open! Open! (But it really is in nice shape.) (There I go again.)
  16. It is not too late for a Gary Seven spin-off.
  17. Agree. Jabo classics. I wouldn't buy them. Unless you really wanted them for yourself. They'd likely be difficult to sell again at any price.
  18. Actually, the very first thing I saw was "Marble and Tops: The Reputation of Walter de la Mare" -- someone's doctoral thesis.
  19. I always have an eye out for search terms which might bring up good stuff. Occurred to me to search for "Marbles and Tops" in quotes. Didn't go far ... yet. Up first was a postcard: http://www.oldpostcards.com/s/spo015032.html A little plain but if you like that stuff and haven't seen that one yet, there ya go.
  20. neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato neato times ten
  21. This feels like deja vu. Have I posted this thread before? I'm holding a Pelt which is probably a Rainbo and it looks gray to me, but then I look more at the base glass at it's a little translucent, so maybe it's not gray ... maybe it's just a light trick. I'll try to get a pic. But in the meantime ... do you have gray marbles?
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