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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Here are a couple: http://www.marblesgalore.com/ This one hasn't been updated in awhile, but it still has neat stuff. http://marbleforum.blogspot.com/
  2. Could it be something else such as a Cornelian?
  3. Yeah, sometimes a slag has so much white it stops any light from getting through.
  4. I know I should recognize the blue and orange one. Maybe it'll come to me. Hopefully it will come to someone else first.
  5. Good detail on that one, Winnie. The rough part was unexpected.
  6. Hi Josh. Good to have a JABO/Sammy's/DAS specialist in the house.
  7. Do you think Specials were one of the types in this box? Or did "Specials" refer to it being an assortment?
  8. Once upon a time Mike said that the Peltier name for the marbles in this box was Sunsets. I didn't make the connection to them being tri-color.
  9. A Southern Clay Manufacturing Company did exist, but I'll guess someone just came up with another story to explain the same old Tennessee/Atlanta Porcelain ruse. Of course photographs could possibly change minds.
  10. Darn ... lots of missing pictures in that thread and the linked threads. Need to update. Still likely fake.
  11. Do they look like anything in this thread? http://marbleconnection.com/topic/6908-mostly-pix-fake-chinas-tennesseeatlanta-porcelains/
  12. I'm not able to make out enough details of the marble to know. From this one angle, it kinda looks like it could be in the more corky moss agate family. But with other pics who knows what it might look like.
  13. Who is the question to? Jess about whether there is opalescence? ... or me about finally capitulating and agreeing to the name "Ace" in spite of lack of opalescence? In my mind I'm still calling it a moss agate. But it looks like what others call an Ace so if you can't beat 'em ...
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