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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Halloween is a new name for me. I like it!
  2. Bump. Two hours left. I don't know what good prices for micas are but right now it looks like this might be one.
  3. Cómo se dice "neato" en Español?
  4. Oh yeah, candy cigarettes were also an option at the time. Wintergreen flavor?
  5. I finally made it. Took forever. Well past dark. I cried a lot. When I was 9, I had already lived in 14 places. And I kept moving often after that. I never really figured out where I was. If I did actually get the candy, possibly tart n' tinies. Good chance some of those little plastic fruits with powder inside. Maybe wax soda bottles. Maybe sugar babies. Those were some of my favorites at the time. But now that I think about it a little more I probably didn't get to have any of the candy. Might not have made it as far as actually paying for it before I was busted.
  6. Spectacular! That's a Realer, right? Astounding! Amazing!
  7. When I was nine, I rode my bike and kept riding and found a 7-11. Bought some candy. And in walked my mother. She was soooooo mad. My punishment was that I had to ride back home. And I got lost. I was terrified. I have no sense of direction.
  8. Gotta love Google. I wanted to see this exact bird, so I Googled for cute yelling bird and there it was.
  9. The glass quality and colors look Japanese to me.
  10. My seller said Akro on mine. I asked why -- like if she knew it was dug or something. No, not dug that she knew of. She just thought it looked Akro.
  11. Rootbeer floats are larger-sized marbles -- boulders.
  12. I couldn't place the teal and purple, but now that you say Akro, I'm smacking my forehead. Of course.
  13. Is there any way to know whether it's more likely to be Akro or MFC?
  14. We need a picture of his face ... you know ... to go with the outline of him and workshop.
  15. Thank you for letting us know. Sorry for your loss. Sounds like you will have many wonderful memories.
  16. I have a brick. I'm happy with my brick. Not in the best shape, but that's okay, coz now I can hold him and not worry about messing him up. I have a brick! Woohoo!
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