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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Now I've seen a good photo of a legit G.A.R. box. Big difference.
  2. But aren't they called Indians because they were thought to come from India? If that's so, then that should be okay.
  3. Yeah, the private listing also set off an alarm. Didn't mean to say anything about your gut ... myself mostly ... wanting to give someone the benefit of the doubt but so many red flags have now been waved.
  4. The seller actually specializes in repro fireworks items and openly boasts about them being indistinguishable from the old. http://greatamericanfirecrackers.com/ AUTHENTIC REPLICA FIRECRACKER, SALUTE & CHERRY BOMB BOX REPRINTS. PAINSTAKINGLY TAKEN FROM ORIGINALS AND MADE TO LOOK OLD. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DISTINGUISH THESE FROM RARE ORIGINALS. The boxes in question look "off". Trust your gut. Buyer beware, and all that.
  5. No, don't go! Unless you're going to pick up more marbles.
  6. Gosh I wish I felt more comfortable with the names of German handmades. I'm inclined to think you have at least one Indian in the mix but I don't for sure, especially about the ones with the faintest color bands. Looking forward to hearing the answers myself.
  7. I wanna start a thread for posts showing bottoms and insides of legit boxes so that we can know what to look for. .... but that'd give forgers more information to help them be even more convincing.
  8. This is called The Stephanie. Not every JABO Ace with this color combo is called The Stephanie though. Probably just mine. Unless there has been a vote I don't know about. Another name for this combo is "Pink Champagne on Ice".
  9. Not this year! (yellow, red, orange, pink, black)
  10. By the way, the Halloween link does refer to that seller. The seller's ebay name changed after the Halloween link was published. Interestingly enough, both sellers whose auctions we're looking at in this thread are mentioned at that link. I will continue to try to have an open mind. However, when something is so rare that it appears to be one-of-a-kind, sunlight is good. It is beneficial to both seller and collector. If the seller wants a rare item to sell for what it should be worth, buyers need to be confident. More information would be better for all. Thanks.
  11. After my first reaction, I've been trying to keep an open mind on the box. Still would like to hear more about where it came from. For something so unusual, it would be tremendously helpful to learn where this has been stored and how it came to market.
  12. Steph

    Bike Day

    How old? (It's charming. .... am I allowed to call a motorcycle charming?)
  13. Thanks everyone! Gotta remember "uppie". I wonder if Holland got more Victories than the U.S. did (per child).
  14. Turned the heat on again last night.
  15. p.s., that's a lifesaver over there on the left in the tri-colors. Not seeing the green on my screen. It was captured here though:
  16. Yes, I think the red was a separate color from the gold. I wouldn't argue about that color count.
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