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Everything posted by Steph

  1. All I can say is Christensen Agate. Not a slag though. Galen?
  2. Master boxes were used as giveaways for political campaigns on different levels (including for club leadership). Don posted some pix. Not sure if I saved any.
  3. I wanna take a clearie photo ..... in the meantime .... here are these ... which may or may not be marbles.... Water Marbles <-- that's the source, but I can't tell if it's possible to make colored "water marbles" or not ....
  4. I guess I shouldn't feel too bad about our 70's. And I don't, not for me. But we have a sick kitty and no air conditioning. So I hope it doesn't get much higher than that any time soon.
  5. This could be a fun topic if we keep it to stuff and don't actually get political.
  6. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/20842-akro-boxes-edit-one-unusual-akro-box-g-a-r-1932/?p=183434
  7. Vacor. Made in Mexico. Probably after 2000. Might be the style known as Dragon, though that doesn't sound like what I would have called it in the past so maybe someone else will have a different name for it.
  8. Didn't know they had a page. Thanks for the link. That was an interesting browse.
  9. And this .... That's dated a day later than the label on the box but still my head feels better now.
  10. Not sure why you're thinking of D.C. ... unless you're thinking of the Scout Jamboree box. I found this reference to a G.A.R. convention in Clarksburg.
  11. It would be super freaky for someone in the early 90's to make up a box for an obscure event which never took place, and use the silver labels. That would blow my mind. I can accept today's scam artists being that crafty but were marbles that big back then? How long had they been big business? Long enough for people to come up with ideas like that? Well, now that you have my head asploding, I better get to searching.
  12. That would mean someone was faking Akro boxes by 1992. With fancy labels and what appear to be well-matched fish-eye marbles. I'll try to do some digging. And I know at least one other who will try to meet the challenge. I hope we find the convention.
  13. Thanks for the report. Good to hear!
  14. *giggle* I was pretty sure Bob was gonna like that one.
  15. Walking. I wanted to hike around in those cute shorts.
  16. Sooooo, that view looks like a normal marble. Wouldn't call it start or end of cane. But the view of one of the ends is pretty interesting, with that little loop in it. Hopefully someone with more insight than I can cast light on it for you.
  17. Hello. Welcome. If you'd like to take a big group shot we might be able to give you an idea about the rough age of the marbles. Glad you're aware of the importance of condition. Don't rummage through them or pour them out. Handle them with some gentleness until you know what you have. Joemarbles.com is a good site if you get to the point of trying to ID some marbles by maker. Pinholes and creases and the like are often "cold-rolls" and "as-mades" and damage, not pontils. (Cold-rolls are where marbles weren't quite hot enough to be completely smoothed over when they went down the rollers.) But if you give us a quick preview we might be able to give you an idea of whether you're looking at handmade or machine-made marbles and roughly which decade they're from.
  18. It was a little confusing to see you say, "there appears to be no pontil," since obviously the marble has a pointil. I take it you mean that you're not seeing the roughness you might expect on one of the ends. I don't have much technical knowledge about handmades so I'm just moving this to the main chat forum and hope someone else will help out with observations. In the meantime, it might be helpful if you added an photo of the whole marble. Thanks!
  19. Big fans in this house. I wish I'd followed through in the 90's on my dream of becoming a mail carrier.
  20. Still scratching my head over the glow in the dark. Maybe that's from the glue ....
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