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Everything posted by Steph

  1. This is starting to look like an Akro corkscrew. And a nice one. With three colors this is what some would call a Special. Some might have another name for it based on it being red, white and blue.
  2. Looking even more like a corkscrew. However, since I'm still not seeing the view which would nail it for me, I'll simply ask. Is it a corkscrew? Does the yellow ribbon start at one cutline and wrap around the marble until it hits a cutline on the opposite end?
  3. The colors on this one might help someone more knowledgeable decide. I don't know. p.s., even though this background seems "smoother" than the background I commented on in two other posts, it still seems to have too much texture for the camera to handle.
  4. More views please. (And a smooth background as noted in the other post, to help the camera focus on the marble instead of the background texture. )
  5. First thought with that pattern is Alley.
  6. Is this an Akro? More views would be good. Also helpful would be a smooth background. The texture on the background is what the camera is focusing on instead of the marble.
  7. Thanks, Josh. I actually did think JABO because of how out of round it was. I shouldn't have said that part about it being impossible to guess. Being hard to guess is for regular clearies, not footballs, eh?
  8. Thanks you guys for jumping in. Now I don't want to say this. So nobody read this part. Disagree about the company calling it "special". Two-color opaque corks were "prize names". Three-color opaque corks were "tri-color agates".
  9. Steph

    Woot Woot

    The Tar Heels made the Badgers work hard for this one.
  10. If I were to move there, you'd never get more than an inch again. Heat waves follow me around. Is nature trying to tell me something? But seriously ... I think I hear Minnesota calling my name.
  11. Even looks like she's trying to ask "Are you okay?" at the beginning
  12. Hello welcome. Looks like a Clearie. The terminology for the shape includes "out of round" and "football". Would be practically impossible to guess which company made it.
  13. Steph

    Woot Woot

    If either Wisconsin or Oklahoma wins I'll claim bragging rights. They're still in it. But Oklahoma State lost. That's my school.
  14. We got one thin layer of snow yesterday. It was melted within hours. 33 degrees and light rain predicted now.
  15. Would be cool to see some blackies bags to see what kind of representation they have in original packaging. (Will hunt to see what bags I have in files.) I'm not sure I remember a comment about their rarity. What I remember is a discussion about whether there was a difference between whities with a black band and blackies with white patches.
  16. Bumping with a favorite (orbboy's )
  17. I don't have a guess for my black-based one with the more spread out orangey patch either.
  18. Great info, John. Thanks for sharing in such depth.
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