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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Oh, I didn't answer type. They're Rainbows. Called "Tri-Color Rainbows". At least most of them are. One looks like it almost has a Rainbow Red pattern, but with three colors around the middle instead of two. That's a little different.
  2. The clays are fun-looking too. When do you think they were from?
  3. Late 50's to early 60's is my estimate.
  4. I more or less accept that the one said to be German is German. I wish I had more evidence of it. Also, I still want to think some were made in China. But most transitionals I see do have the spidery pontil, so by the numbers I just think "Japanese" when I see a transitional. Winnie, what kinds of cutlines do your transitionals in that lot have?
  5. The patch is an Akro pattern. Not sure I recognize the colors though.
  6. Wondering if this is close to one of Darla's mystery marbles. And suddenly wondering if Anacortes is a possible suspect for them. (I don't know who made it.)
  7. Ah. Yes. I think of practically all transitionals as Japanese. I have one which is called German but when I see transitional I still think "likely imported from Japan".
  8. It has turned out to be a very good thread. But hopefully I'm cured of asking about exotics. Could be I'll do it again in a year or two when I convince myself it's safe to go back in the water. Sometimes I trick myself like that.
  9. I made an omelet to muffle the call of the ice cream.
  10. Oh, that's wicked! *must not think about ice cream sandwiches in back of freezer*
  11. Steph


    No, not me. Ann?
  12. I don't know much (about CAC's) but I can see how those would be distinctive. Edit: Ah, you! LOL. Now I see the shamrocks!
  13. Steph


    ahdorable! Do they come from a time period with a famous style whose name I should know?
  14. I like butter on a roll or a potato. Don't eat margarine anymore. But no connoisseur. (Ha! It only took me three tries to come up with a spell-check-approved version of that word!)
  15. I don't quite follow. It seems some could be older than 1920 but still could be in that range. Is that a cat's eye up top?
  16. That would be a clue. Not grounds for an assumption though. However, in my opinion 1930's is a good guess for the age of transitionals.
  17. Not sure I would say all pre-1930 based on what I'm seeing in the photo. The yellow on the lower left edge, the purply flamey in the upper right quadrant, the red and white in the very center [edit: that's a transitional, isn't it], and the aqua and white on the bottom left, make me consider pushing this into the 30's. Or at least I'd like to look more closely at them. The "less old-looking corkscrews" are a wild-card. They need to be considered.
  18. I'm gonna guess it could be Christensen Agate. But do NOT take my word. Do NOT. Galen?
  19. That IS interesting. And what a nice combo of colors.
  20. Ahdorable! She looks so proud of herself!
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