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Everything posted by Steph

  1. oh that's beautiful Solidify Vitro on that list.
  2. Hmmmm. Well, in the case of dyed clay, I expect uniform coverage. The marble would have rolled around in the color so it should be all over. To the best of my knowledge.
  3. Hello & welcome. I don't remember seeing anything quite like that before. It looks more like stone to me than clay. How heavy does it feel for its size?
  4. teeny bit of snow and 20 degrees so not bad. The nights are pretty cold though.
  5. I once took a trip to California in March and was overwhelmed by how green it was.
  6. Steph


    No iPad in this house but good luck to you.
  7. Steph


    I thought about that and then saw the price of the Cardinal Reds was relatively low. So then I wondered if the Flinties have "flint glass" and the others not -- in case that would explain it -- but according to the 1926 pamphlet "All About Marbles", Cardinal Reds were made with flint glass. So, I wondered if it was a typo, but no, that price difference is backed up by the 1929 jobber price list: So I wonder if the translucence had something to do with it, and on a related note wonder about the comparison between the price of Cardinal Reds and the translucent Cornelians. At the moment I'm not seeing anything comparing those prices directly. However, in 1926 Cornelians were $20 per 1000 for assorted sizes.
  8. Here's the answer from George Sourlis from when I asked how many companies Rosenthal may have jobbered for. It has much detail and theory so I'll quote instead of trying to paraphrase: "In Rosenthal's hard plastic packs I've seen Akro Royals and Vitros (not together in 1 pack). In the mesh bags I've seen Peltier patches. It seems like there are some gift boxes with stained glass design that have Christensen Agates. These may be Rosenthal gift boxes. Perhaps the Robin Hood gift box is by Rosenthal. I've seen it with Akros and with Peltiers (not together in the same Robin Hood Box). Jobbers like Pink, Gropper, Charles Drake (Reglar Fellers marble puzzles) and others by pricing. Whoever had the best prices at the time they needed stock was liable to be from whom they purchased. It seems that I've seen Alleys in some of the mesh bags, but not sure."
  9. Here's some from from p. 12 of the Alley book. The discussion goes on at length in the next paragraph. Says that 30% of what has been dug at Sistersville was Akro, 70% Alley (with a caveat that "Alley" doesn't necessarily refer to Lawrence Alley's production), and a few isolated oddballs. The Akro was mostly patches, some corks, and some oxblood. The theory is that Alley needed glass, Akro had lots of excess, and contrary to intuition, the Akro cullet was useful because if you heat glass high enough and long enough it turns clear, not the dark mess many would expect.
  10. Welcome, Iain. Thanks for the intro and good luck with your project.
  11. Okay, I'm about done. Tomorrow will be my day of marble rest. But I found so much cool stuff today! 18 MIND-BLOWING GLASS MARBLES! Death Star -- yes, made of glass Photo by Mike Peragrine [@RigSquad / @Rig_gs]
  12. From Mr. Alley's Pressman catalog Facebook page: Intro to the 1933 Catalog album: Description about p. 39:
  13. Mr. Alley's Facebook page for Pressman catalogs: J. Pressman & Company Catalogs From the page: A page from the 1945 catalog:
  14. There are full-screen and single-page options for the books at this site: https://imagesofhiscreation.shutterfly.com/ I don't see a single page option here: http://www.artscow.com/gallery/book/marble-book-marbles-alley-agate-the-st-marys-pennsboro-sistersville-wvmcc-93yjc9zxywqn Mr. Alley's facebook page where updates may be found: https://www.facebook.com/Alley.Agate
  15. Reading in the Alley book, I see that Rosenthal acquired the Lawrence Glass Novelty Company in or around 1931, and had been doing business with them before that. So that would suggest that Rosenthal jobbered early Alleys? And possibly his own LGNC marbles after that? Also referenced in that section (pp. 11 and 12) is Akro cullet found at the LGNC site. (This was in Sistersville.)
  16. This was a Rosenthal patent, so Rosenthal put the Peltiers in it, right? http://marbleconnection.com/gallery/image/599-1934-playthings-cover/
  17. Rosenthal packaging with possibly Akros, around one-half inch, some less, some more:
  18. Rosenthal packaging with Masters: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/17830-1930s-rosenthal-packaging-master-mades
  19. What kinds of marbles have been found in Rosenthal packaging?
  20. Steph


    I don't know. Hopefully someone else who does will answer. I hoped that Alley was connected with Rosenthal back when I was still nurturing the desire for there to be Alley patches. But that hope has been dashed. Is it in the Alley book? Now that I have functional bifocals I ought to try again to read it. I see Rosenthal is mentioned on pp. 11 & 12. Gonna start a new thread. Edit: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/20413-for-what-companies-did-rosenthal-jobber/
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