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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Vitro? Pelt?

    Ah yeah, I remember Bubba!
  2. I think I may have one of those! Fractured. But still .... It was one of my mysteries from last night, and there were sufficient numbers of other Alleys to make it seem possible.
  3. Just this pic for now. Hoping someone recognizes 'em right off. Shooter size (between 11/16" and 3/4").
  4. Aw shucks, you guys. After sorting I realize I have some new mysteries to ask about.
  5. :) I remember when I used to wish I had one coral. I lost count of how many I found today.
  6. I think so, but now all of a sudden I feel insecure, now that I'm hoping for confirmation that I also have one.
  7. Steph

    Black Beans

    Good to know. I love beans and especially black beans but have been kind of scared of cooking them from the dry version.
  8. Is this a rebel? Black aventurine, and red and white ... with a little clear area that you can see a bit of on the left. It's in nice shape. Ignore the fiber on top. Not quite a peewee.
  9. Meeee tooooo. That's a Bloody Mary, right? The pearlescent patch base looks blue in the photo but didn't seem blue in hand. Somewhere between white and gray in hand. And I think there's a Bruiser. ... and what is a Pelt with white and red and black aventurine called? That little sparkler is minty. And and and and ......
  10. The colors and glass make me think Akro. The pattern has me holding back a little. But that's gonna be my guess.
  11. In this mail this morning. With an unsigned postcard of a skeleton in a Carmen Miranda outfit. And a return address whose name I don't recognize -- well, I do recognize it -- it's the name of a female mathematician born in the 1800's. The postcard said "Happy marbles!" on the back, and I'm very very very happy marbles right now. But ?????????????? More:
  12. Thanks Ron. Amazing box. Thanks Hayden. So nice to warm up with after shoveling the walk.
  13. A Sparkler box no less! Ah, someone got into the seller's ear. Sorry you didn't get it. How much do you think it might have gone for.
  14. Yes, there does. I spent a lot of time trying to find game descriptions which matched the layouts I saw in photos. I finally gave up, guessing that different localities may have come up with quite different looking games which never made it into the literature.
  15. Interesting questions! Just how rare are these? Here's that pic:
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