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Everything posted by Steph

  1. What is the technical difference between a slag and a swirl, other than the generally earlier time period in which most slags were made?
  2. Here's my mutant 7-up. That red coverage had me going so long I didn't even know it was a Pelt. I didn't even know the "black" was the base or that it was transparent until one day the sun hit it just right. For the longest time I had it stuck in with my Rainbow Reds.
  3. Plain Jane NLR's do exist. And yes, I agree, pattern says NLR on that one. There are six-ribbon Rainbos. However, I am inclined to think NLR-era for yours.
  4. Clearer photos of that little one might help. Maybe.
  5. Oh this is an ID thread, isn't it. I'm moving it to general because of that odd little one. The bigger one looks like Veiliglas -- an Amsterdam swirl.
  6. Can't load the page. Will try again later.
  7. What is the long skinny drizzle of glass called again. *Brain freeze* Anyway, it's cool! Oh yeah, "drizzle" was the right word, wasn't it?
  8. That black and red and white was a surprise, Ron.
  9. Yeah, Albright and CAC appear to have been connected in some way. Clays and CACs were sold together in the same box sometimes.
  10. Camera didn't capture the sparkle. Not nearly as easy to see as on the spruce. But it's there. Here's an idea of why I thought black:
  11. A lot more pix now in this thread: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/19765-playrites-and-jacksons/
  12. Does it exist? I thought I had one with it but in better light I realized the aventurine ribbon was very dark blue.
  13. Whether my champ guess is good or not, here's why I think swirl: as well as I can tell without having it in hand, it looks like that yellow ribbon (with its white ribbon sidekick) takes the form of one continuous stream. My $.02
  14. May we non-gurus play? I don't see Pelt with the yellow and green. My guess would be Champ.
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