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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I think that others accidentally made what Akro made on purpose. Copper-based ingredients were used for oxblood and they were used for glass of other colors.
  2. Doh! How could I not have even come close to thinking of that?!
  3. To me it looks like copper-based red glass -- the kind which may show with greater frequency in aqua glass. I think copper or cupric oxide or whatever the right term is, was used in making the green glass and it manifested itself as what we call oxblood on Akros. Sorry, Hansel, I think those links and pix are gone for real.
  4. By George, I think you've got it!
  5. What colors of bases have you seen? I kinda sorta remember blue. ... maybe? The only pic I can lay my hands on at the moment are these amber based ones.
  6. lol ... you're so cute. And the marbles aren't bad either.
  7. Escapade? Meaning dug? or some other adventure ...
  8. The figure of speech "flying trip" has been around since at least the early 1800's. Thomas Jefferson made mention of someone taking a flying trip in 1806. ( : ETA: George Washington made plans for a flying trip in 1795.
  9. Anyone see this before? http://www.ebay.com/itm/350465887221
  10. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/94025
  11. Are there any catalog illustrations of Navarre marbles? ... or other Leighton marbles?
  12. Very cool. And without Leighton's help, would Martin Christensen have been able to make marbles? Or Akro? Marble history would have looked very different without him. Do we know what made him think to get into marbles in the first place?
  13. That's what they looked like to me also. .... and I wondered why a toy company would be selling them in a box of 8. *scratching my head*
  14. I thought so, but I didn't remember for sure.
  15. Was trying to figure out where to post a Pressman box or see if it was posted before, and I was reminded of this box. It's cool ... coz it's a box ... but who was the target audience for such a plain set and kind of rough looking set? Were they for marble games? Or some other play purpose like a target game?
  16. Anyone have any Navarres or Barbertons or other Leightons they're pretty sure about?
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