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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I hope everyone gets something they want for Christmas!
  2. Thanks! It's kinda fun to try to figure out how those would have been arranged. Interesting that the Moss Agates are of the "exquisite" variety and not the patch variety. And the five single color boulders are so unexpected.
  3. It's gorgeous. Very handsome. No idea about it though.
  4. For some reason I can't open the thumbnails. Is it just me? (Yes, I have a couple of special marbles somewhere that I look forward to finding again someday. )
  5. Not sure what to think. Banks do have business dealings with the gov't. Gee, no, hard to understand why someone would have thought a tribute to veterans needed a disclaimer like that.
  6. Here's a little technical information about the chinas and glazing: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/15447-lets-see-some-marble-pics/?p=133871
  7. Lutz???!!! Would have been neato without the lutz. I don't remember ever hearing of them with lutz. But maybe I just haven't paid that much attention since I've assumed I'll never get one.
  8. Thanks for the Paden City info. That's what I sorta remembered but it's so hard to mesh the marble structure with other Paden City marbles, isn't it. In the 30's he was trying to find ways to sell more Pelts, so I figured he gave away Rainbos. He told a story of holding out handfuls of marbles to see what the kids chose, and red was by far the most popular. That could explain why Pelt had assorted boxes and boxes just of bloodies. But someone once -- was it Lloyd -- showed a picture of a Berry Pink agate. If I'm remembering right. And I've wondered if he was giving those away to kids before his Marble King days. Or if those were souvenirs for adults. Has anyone ever seen more than one of those?
  9. I'm still a little confused about the story on these.
  10. Cool twist with the Carnelian and Imperial labels.
  11. They all look like NLRs to me. Maybe later ones. My two Dragons Eyes came with some later-looking K&M's and other not quite classic Pelts. Edit: By "later-looking" K&M's I mean the kind which even Marblealan had some trouble with, on some occasions calling them NLR and on some occasions calling them Rainbos, but to me they look NLR.
  12. Happy Birthday Robert! Hope it's a blast!
  13. Steph


    I'm not familiar with American hit lists so I don't know how it compares but it made a good story.
  14. Happy Birthday Dani! .... like fine wine ........
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