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Everything posted by Steph

  1. What Bob said! Thank you for serving.
  2. Have heard only good things about him. Glad Edna got to spend some time with him in the last few months. Prayers and condolences for his family.
  3. Back in the 1800's or early 1900's some of what we call oxblood now would likely have been called other things based on the up close and personal knowledge which people of that era had with the blood of various animals. The French name for oxblood ceramic glaze was "sang de boeuf". Other glaze names were sang de poulet and sang de pigeon (chicken blood and pigeon blood). And then there were less gory names like peach bloom, crushed strawberry, crimson and liver. I looked those up a long time ago and don't remember my sources now but I think those names were all given to different copper-based colors --- the spectrum of what we now might lump under the name oxblood.
  4. Congrats on achieving the impossible! Thanks for the eye candy.
  5. If you use "My Media" at the top of the reply window, you can get to your gallery and post your pictures. Here are the two new ones though:
  6. Hi. I looked on my list of names of contemporary marble artists and saw some with initials BS. I don't have many middle initials. I'll bring the BS's over if no one else seems to have an answer. Would it be possible to get a picture?
  7. That first one is so pretty in the first view I wouldn't want anyone to touch it! Unless ... could it be polished? It's like a fan or peacock feathers. Love it.
  8. Sorry, I don't know all the technical lingo. Mike, what's the largest you have in the striped ones?
  9. Well, not sure what to say, but I can bump the thread for you.
  10. Got it! Thanks. I agree the pictured ones are glass. I think the ones in the 1925 ad I linked to could be natural onyx. The ones in the 1926 ads would be glass.
  11. That 1926 ad mentions Ford but isn't quite clear about why. This ad makes the Ford connection more clear: http://www.ebay.com/itm/290513980459 What exactly do you mean by "after market". If a Ford dealer installed it after it arrived from the factory, is that "after market"? I do remember seeing ads in newspapers so people could get them at stores and not just from dealerships -- at least I'm pretty sure the ads were for department stores or hardware stores or something and not dealerships.
  12. Well, I may still keep looking but Globe sounds right for the name I saw the most back when I was looking for info about stone radiator caps. Note the "Crystal-Onyx" name ... which frustrated stone onxy sellers and led to a case before the FTC. A 1926 ad for a Globe Specialty Co. cap which has the winged wheel on it like the ones you showed above: http://www.ebay.com/itm/300503465116
  13. The only company I specifically know of actually made them out of stone -- the California Onyx Co. .... aka the California Agate Co. I take that back. I'm pretty sure I do remember seeing listings for a company which made them out of glass -- or at least distributed them. I just wasn't paying that much attention because I was interested in the stone ones. I'll see if I can find that company's name. In the meantime, here is a 1925 ad featuring an onyx radiator cap. http://www.ebay.com/itm/290658930288
  14. Looks like someone convinced him it was a terribly banged up marble, as opposed to cullet. It's turning my head inside out to try to see how that was a real marble. But anyway, the auction ended early.
  15. I posted the ones from Facebook -- maybe Facebook downsized them first. lol ... if that's what happened, that means you can use Facebook as a downsizer program. Upload to there and then download 'em and post 'em here.
  16. Glad you made it! If you go to "More Reply Options" there's a place to add attachments. Or if you have them hosted somewhere else, you can add them using IMG code.
  17. Here's word for word what Nancy said in a follow-up comment: The Silent Shoelace Salesman...I have a one I got for Pop long time ago, I believe I paid 30 or 40 for it. One went for over 600.00, 2 years ago. I will put pix of mine and Alox Pix my Grampa had in files at factory. I believe Gramps had a Silent Shoelace seller without a clock but can not find a pix. The one with clock I know is from 1920 or 1921, could have had it 1919 when he opened. And here are some pics she provided. The first is a photo of the one she bought back when: The second is a photo her grandfather had at the factory: This is a pamphlet advertising it: She also has an older pamphlet somewhere which she may be able to locate for us. She might yet join the discussion ....
  18. Looks like accidental oxblood on the first, purposeful oxblood on the 2nd. And by accidental ox, I mean the same chemical composition as traditional ox but not intentionally created by the manufacturer. The 3rd is an Akro Carnelian -- no ox. (Edit: I think it's a Carnelian ... *sheepish*) The 4th does not look like ox either. Having the red bleed off to the side wouldn't necessarily rule out ox. Could be ox along with another red, but I don't see ox. And can't remember ox on a white-based cork like that. There could be accidental ox under the green on the john deere. Greens and blues are where it likes to show up -- I believe that's because of the copper oxides used to make those colors. I'd say no to ox on the snake.
  19. Super cool. I showed it to Nancy Frier. She said she's seen one sell for $600. She has one, and also has the original paper work for the clock -- she thinks it was from 1921 but hers is packed right now. Edit: a little more info is on the way ....
  20. Right on. Here's hoping you're back soon as sassy as ever!
  21. William, that would be pretty darn cool. I wasn't thinking that far ahead. Just asked the question. Do you have any ideas?
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