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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Check out the boxes and ephemera!
  2. Well here's an old thread on it. I know there are more to add.
  3. I have a big long list somewhere but I'd kinda like see what others have to add before I bust it out. I know I already need to add one more thing to that list. Just have to remember what it was! lol
  4. Hello Chris. I think that these are all contemporaries -- that is, made relatively recently. But I've never seen one quite like that first one. I'm going to move this to the main forum so that more people who know contemporaries will see it.
  5. I think about Alan often. Was just thinking about his archived marble company information last night.
  6. side note for future reference: apparently a Portuguese word for marbles is "berlindes".
  7. I think there's more than one version. A couple of the text translations I am seeing make me think it was a nail tossing game. Possibly where you tried to stick the nail in the sand using different styles of throw. http://jogostradicionais.net/jogo-do-prego/ Translation, maybe: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fjogostradicionais.net%2Fjogo-do-prego%2F&act=url The videos I'm seeing so far show people hammering large metal nails into wooden stumps.
  8. Rolf Harris ::: Beatles ::: Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport
  9. Very interesting. And pretty. Wonder if the seller is more disappointed at having no buyers than they would have been at the nails going for $10.
  10. That would be so cool to have marbles you sprinkled yourself!
  11. Do you think the 2nd auction has already been purchased by someone? It's possible that it is "no longer available" in part due to your message. Possibly the owner decided to take them off the market until they could reassess what they had. It would be nice if they responded to you to let you know.
  12. It's the little kid laughing along with the grownups and then he suddenly realizes he doesn't know what they're all laughing at.
  13. Maybe so. There was an illustration of mica, captioned as "snow-flake". I didn't see snow-flakes mentioned in the text of the article, so maybe that's what silvered referred to.
  14. I was just skimming through the 1883 Robert's article, "Marbles and Where They Come From", and saw a reference to "gilded and silvered marbles". I don't remember registering that sentence before. 1883 struck me as earlier than I last remembered seeing lutz mentioned. But obviously I'm not sure. Almost every time I go back to the old sources I pick up something new. Why don't I do it more often? lol p.s. ... what might the "silvered marbles" be? That's not ringing a bell.
  15. For the record, the term "peewee" (or "peawee") was in use by 1883. See "Marbles and Where They Come From," by A.W. Roberts. They're "no larger than a good-sized marrowfat pea".
  16. I don't have any in hand, but I was under the impression that marbles sold as peewees could be a little bigger than 1/2" back in the day.
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