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Everything posted by Steph

  1. They did yellow and brown in 5/8". Yellow, brown and green together?
  2. http://www.ebay.com/itm/140921610346 Well, it's a pretty 'un.
  3. Did that come from Bulgaria? Wonder what else we might someday see from the Eastern Bloc.
  4. I'll vote Jabo. Is that the style they call the Black Eyed Pea? I believe it is the correct size.
  5. "If we know so little about German marbles,how on earth could we know something about Bulgarian marbles." Agreed!
  6. I'm hoping we can let that be the last time the r-word gets used. I cringed when Ronnie used it but I'm trying to err on the side on not censoring. Might have to excise part of this thread and send it to the BOI/SZ. Hope not. It's a possibility though. Good thread for the most part.
  7. Ooops, I forgot to link to the ad. http://prodavalnik.com/trsya-stkleni-topcheta-limki-kato-tezi-ot-snimkite-ot-edno-vreme-sots-vreme-imashe-gi-vsyako-srelbische-i7688737 The description on the photo(s) in that ad translated to: LOOKING GLASS BALLS LIMKI made in Sliven OF FURNACE FROM ONE TIME DURING SOC Wiki says Sliven is the 8th largest city in Bulgaria. What might "SOC" be? [Edit: Looks like Socialist era ... 1946 to 1990?] [Next edit: Limki is apparently a Bulgarian marble game (link) and might also be the name used for the marbles themselves (link) ]
  8. I just posted in another thread about a Bulgarian movie title which translated into "Glass Marbles". The Bulgarian title didn't show up right when I pasted it here. But it might useful for future reference as a Google search term. Here's one page which showed up today. The Google translator makes it look like a "want to buy" ad, complete with buyer's email. (Or possibly the ad is from someone wanting to sell but the comment came from a potential buyer.) Maybe it's a Bulgarian marble collector.
  9. Check out the reference to "Glass Marbles" here. http://en.wikipedia....oyanka_Mutafova It's from 1999. I tried to copy over the Bulgarian name but it looked like it wasn't going to show up right.
  10. Steph


    Anyone know what you get if you order a hot tamale in my part of Wisconsin? When I first moved here I was getting impatient with all the bland food and got kinda excited when I saw hot tamales on the menu. And then I saw that "hot tamale" meant sloppy joe.
  11. So then just a single red patch? I thought I heard people say that when I first heard of Black Widows, but then I heard it had two patches. So ??? I'm trying to remember where I got my two-patch marble which was called a Black Widow. I can't remember if it came from Jill Spencer or not. I think it did. But I can't remember for sure.
  12. Here's an example of a Juedemann ground murrini marble: http://www.pbase.com/bkbowden/cj48 Some of his later works are here: http://www.glasskitchen.com/port/ Here's his facebook page if you want to catch up with some of his more recent work https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chris-Juedemann/110312805788327
  13. "Ground" is the word which came to mind when I saw the marble in the OP. I don't really know the process so I didn't want to say anything. I have an awesome ground marble from Chris Juedemann. (Repeating that disclaimer that "at least I think it was ground". Edit: yes, definitely ground. I looked it up.) Sides as fascinating at the ends. Sweet.
  14. Black Widow as pictured by Jill Spencer, circa 1964 Should have another red stripe on the other side. (Pretty sure about that. The marble I have which I was told was "Black Widow" does.)
  15. Black Widow as pictured by Jill Spencer, circa 1964 Should have another red stripe on the other side. (Pretty sure about that. The marble I have which I was told was "Black Widow" does. Need to confirm.)
  16. Not the Black Widow I learned about which the Marble Queen Jill Spencer found in the 1964-era Paden City dumpsite she owned. Not sure what this one would be called. Is it a Transparent Wasp? That seller was mentioned recently as possibly being someone who problems under different ID's.
  17. Another way to look at it though is that the design existed for 25 or 30 years before guineas were made. So it's theoretically possible that it might have inspired their production.
  18. Steph


    Boiled peanuts are at least from Alabama. That's where I got my first taste of them. (Had a canned version in Oklahoma I think which wouldn't not be a good way to learn about them. I think I mentioned that also.)
  19. Steph


    No beer. I didn't think of that. A friend who works at Johnsonville gave us an assortment of different styles. I tried about three kinds and gave up. But maybe we just didn't fix them correctly.
  20. Steph


    Wisconsin is famous for brats .... which I recently learned I dislike. I wouldn't care if I never ate another brat for the rest of my life. (as opposed to, say, corn dogs, which I need to eat at least once every two years ) I miss southern food. Like fried okra. mmmmmmm
  21. Here's where I first saw the ad. Some Onyx Marbles For Sale Galen gave the date as 1933. The post originally had a bigger copy of the ad but it was reduced when we were trying to save storage space. Galen, do you still have the large version?
  22. IIRC Galen once posted a catalog page from 1930 or maybe a little later which had handmades in it. I'm trying to remember which search terms to use to find it.
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