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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Prize Name is an official Akro name. Special is a collector's name usually used for marbles that Akro called Tri-Color Agates. However, collectors have been known to stretch that name beyond the Tri-Color Agates to the point that they will use it for marbles that were intended to have two basic colors but ended up with an unintended third color because of the chemistry of the glass. That appears to be how your righthand marble came to be called a Special by the person who sold it to you.
  2. Prize Name on left and right. The middle looks like a swirl to me. I could see nonswirl possibilities. However, I don't think it is Akro. More pictures should help on that one, a little closer up.
  3. I once made a collage of pink Akros. Because (a) they were uncommon but (b) they did exist.
  4. Chad, there is a non-iridescent Vacor with similar colors and no name that I know of. It was found in assortment nets from the 1990's. I looked hard at some pictures I have of those because the colors are very close but in the end I still leaned strongly Alley. Check out the pictures here: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/11724-new-marbles-which-sort-of-look-old/?do=findComment&comment=107179
  5. awwwwww Happy Birthday.
  6. Berry Pink jobbered both Peltiers and Alleys under a "Marble King" brand label before he started the official Marble King company. The first Marble King factory was actually the last Alley factory. Pink bought it from Mr. Alley. After the Marble King company was founded, Pink continued to use old Alley stock for the first few years before his distinctive Marble King company style was perfected. So depending on the bag and label design, there could have been a couple of paths for big Alleys to get into Marble King bags.
  7. My first thought was Alley so it has been interesting to read the give and take in this thread.
  8. The base looks too dense to me for me to think of "opal". But does the base have fire inside?
  9. I'm thinking American slag with impurities.
  10. Steph


    They don't look familiar to me. I'm supposing Vitro but can't even guess which decade they would be from. Totally unaware of any collector's name they might have.
  11. Steph


    Not Buttermilks. Here's a picture of Buttermilks. Need "buttermilk yellow" and blue along with red stripes. Older Vitro Marbles (Tri-Lites) (marbleconnection.com)
  12. Add that here! https://marbleconnection.com/topic/22000-marble-innards-lets-see-your-innards
  13. Light, eh? Surprising. I was only going by the look. I don't recall if I was ever told what was inside them. If they're the ones I heard about from a reputable collector, they have a different origin than the magic marker marbles. I remember hearing of a marble which was originally sold on ebay without any fake story with it. Then later people may have started telling sketchy stories about it. For some reason I associate that ebay offering with those enamel looking marbles. But it's all very vague in my mind.
  14. Modern glazed marbles, posted by Dani
  15. I wasn't sure I'd be able to find that photo ... heading out now to put it in a place where I'll remember it.
  16. Here's a picture Dani posted of the glazed modern marbles that I'm thinking of.
  17. (The crazing makes it look like the magic marker marble ball mill balls at least ... is it heavy like the magic marker marbles are?)
  18. I'm going with a used ball mill mall of indeterminate age which was decorated in modern times.
  19. Looks like a purple and green mix forming the black ... which I know I should recognize. I need to start making notecards!
  20. Most six-vane cats eyes would go for pennies. William's s a three-way cross through cat's eye and those could go for a few dollars. I paid $1 for one this weekend, but the guy selling at the antique store had all his commons and the better ones all marked $1 each. I'm calling myself lucky on my three-way find and maybe he's getting people willing to pay a dollar for even the super common ones.
  21. Yes, now there's quite a market for modern marbles, since that's all most of the people buying marbles are able to find. I expect to see the dividing lines for antique, vintage and modern changing soon. Or we'll have to invent a new category name for the really really modern versus the older modern.
  22. Steph

    Big Vacor

    Yes, very big if it's an Imperial, but that's still how I'm leaning. Very interesting.
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