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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I know I've seen Imperial packaging with Vitros. Someone on facebook isn't taking my word for it though. Apparently Vacors are being called Imperials by some people with the justification that Imperial did sell some marbles from Mexico. I pointed out that Imperial also sold marbles from Vitro and we don't call Vitros Imperials. So, anyway, the guy says he doesn't believe me about the Vitros in Imperial packaging. I don't have a lot of time to do the digging through old threads and image folders today so I thought I'd throw the question out to the group. I'm pretty darn sure that I'm correct, but I have to go up to my attic now and organize my marbles. I have a couple of promises to keep and I need to get on it.
  2. I thought that's how the thread would go!
  3. I want it to be Peltier because of the patch shape but it might turn out to be Akro. Yes, I should know, but no I can't remember and I'm not seeing good examples in my quick image search.
  4. I'm with the Pelts on #2. Looking like a wild PPP to me.
  5. I don't know what years. After 1991. That's all I know. Josh, what dates do you have for Jabo bag headers? @Nantucketdink
  6. The white has a bit of a non-American look, but the overall marble looks vintage. I am not thinking Vacor.
  7. Looks like a Jabo Classic. Of course, it being there with you in the Netherlands makes me wonder how you would get an unidentified Jabo. What marbles did you find it with?
  8. This 'un ... Christensen Agate 1-13 (marbleconnection.com)
  9. ^^ that's pretty much what I was thinking but I just didn't want to say CAC aloud. Wanted someone more knowledgeable to say it. And there you are.
  10. Sitting there with those vintage marbles, it looks like it belongs. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that it was Jabo.
  11. When you're scrolling past something on facebook and you see a picture and you wonder what kind of marble it is -- and it's something like a blueberry or the AT&T logo? Or in this case, it was "oh that cullet looks interesting, let me scroll back up and check it out." This is the cullet in question.
  12. Not getting a clear enough idea of the structure. Am seeing Pelt and Akro possibilities.
  13. I think the first might be Asian.
  14. I'm seeing Vitro potential on the top 4. The middle row look like Vitro Whities. MK on the bottom left. And I don't see the bottom right well enough to say.
  15. The only reference I have is text from the 2007 ebay auction and that was only a physical description of the box.
  16. Steph

    Time to Fight

    Bravo! You're allowed at least two days of completely zoning out. Anyone who says otherwise can come talk to me!
  17. I just went looking for some Jabo Tribute halves that I am hoping to give to someone to make art with, and I found two Marble King tournament bags -- one plastic, one cloth. Two out of dozens of things I've had on a tentative wish list, having forgotten that I already had them. I have serious issues with "out of sight, out of mind".
  18. The picture had disappeared. I dropped in to fix it. I'll stick around for a bit join the discussion. I don't know about which boxes Akro produced for sample or sale. However, I will say that what I know about Akro from that time period suggests that we can't take Akro's word on being the manufacturer of the contents. Even with the fancy extra word "exclusively" added in. However, I also do not know what sizes Akro manufactured at the very beginning of their time in West Virginia. They took a lot from MFC. Did that include a higher range of marble sizes than what would eventually become their standard? Maybe I should know. Should I know? Is it in some document I've already posted and forgotten about?
  19. I was all in for Akro even before Art posted. But, yeah, nice examples, Art. And of course I'm still all in for Akro.
  20. I don't stop in this thread often enough. Those thumb pots are adorable. Joep's carved concrete is amazing. And I love Eggie's marble bag, with contents -- a time capsule.
  21. I have a growing collection of that style. My friends bring me marbles. They can't tell modern from vintage. But I don't mind at all, especially when some of those are in the bunch.
  22. Marbles made by M. F. Christensen and Son. M.F. Christensen and Son (marbleconnection.com)
  23. I usually ballpark that style as being from the 1930's. Could have been earlier though.
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