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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    MFC x4?

    What a treasure, Jeff. Those really deserve their own thread. Thanks for filling in some gaps.
  2. Wow. Interesting. I see why both of those makers occurred to you. I do not know the answer.
  3. This week I finished my cullet collection for the foreseeable future ... and my pretty new oxbloods wanted to be in the picture. Please no one tempt me with hunks of popeye or sparkler cullet. I couldn't handle it.
  4. Interesting question ... how much should one expect to have to pay to get a Vitro confetti into one's collection if not gifted it? I don't know.
  5. Steph

    Time to Fight

    !!!!! ???? !!!!! You really ripped that bandaid off, didn't you. No time for suspense.
  6. Already having second thoughts because I didn't think about opalescence. I just looked at it and it simply looked like Alley at first glance. I haven't examined many Alleys for opalescence though. I don't know if that makes a difference.
  7. I feel pretty good about calling that Alley.
  8. Not sure. I'll bump the thread though. Might be three different makers.
  9. Hey, Reddit has a marble forum. That shouldn't surprise me. Obviously I don't know how reliable any of the posts are over there, but this one goes along with what I was thinking ... just plain yellow and green being kinda special .... So, assuming whoever made this picture knew what they were talking about, I think this is as close as I'm gonna get tonight to what I was looking for.
  10. Alley Mountain Dew was one of the names floating around fuzzily in my head. Might need more transparent for that. But ballpark? looking for a name... - General Marble & Glass Chat - Marble Connection At least another term to help in the search engines ...
  11. It's _like_ an Alley coral, but with yellow instead of coral. The corals have a place in our collective marble collector hearts, so they get more screentime and are easier to find in search engines. So ... for now ... this is the best I'm getting. But I'm still digging. https://marbleconnection.com/topic/30229-who’s-coral/?do=findComment&comment=261693
  12. I'm still feeling Alley. I'm feeling like if I tagged one of our Alley gurus, they would say, "Of course, don't you remember, I posted one of those in the Alley picture thread five years ago." And I would blush because I tagged them instead of doing the legwork myself. So now off I go to look in the Alley picture thread so I don't get embarrassed.
  13. My first thought was also CAC. If there's another side of the fence here the only thing I can think of is Alley. And if Alley I'd guess it was a special one.
  14. Another of those complicated questions. Maybe you'd get the same amount of money for 5 or 10 or 20 or 60. With eBay it can be a matter of luck and how much time you want to put into it. I'll just throw out a figure of 15 to 20 because your groups with those numbers look attractive to me. Other people might find other numbers appealing. Maybe you'll want to do a variety of auctions at the same time to get people interested in combining wins. Maybe some will have more and some have less and you can figure out what is working out best for you.
  15. The colored groups are attractive. I see a lot of vintage, from a range of manufactures as Chad noted. I can't say offhand that I see any that are newer. So that's good. I think the common wisdom would be to shy away from selling by color. But what you have here are common marbles so I'm not sure how much money they would make. With that in mind, it's possible that selling in colored lots is as good a plan as any. With creative presentation and good photos, they could surprise.
  16. Hello. Welcome. A few pictures now could be a help. We could at least confirm whether we're looking at Peltiers and which era of Peltiers. There are so many factors. If you don't want to spend a lot of time learning the ins and outs of marble identification, grading and selling, then I would say mix it up and don't overthink it. Take good pictures so people can judge condition for themselves. Maybe the introductory pictures you show now could also help us make suggestions about lot size. Some might be good enough that you would want to sell them individually. Some might be common enough that you would want to put them in moderate-sized groups.
  17. I got a nice tubful with mostly Pelt bananas last weekend at a rummage sale. And then I continued my attic cleaning project and all sorts or other things have happned, including getting new appliances installed today, so I haven't even had time to post about my fun much less take pictures, so I'll sneak my joy here into your thread if you don't mind!
  18. I've seen some of these Vitros stump Peltheads.
  19. Oh yes, what size? If it's big, that changes everything.
  20. Size? My first two thoughts were 1) "Jabo" 2) "yeah, I could maybe go Alley" But I'm also wondering about some less common WV swirl. I'm wanting to look up who used Vitrolite.
  21. I don't think we get notices when things are posted in the calendar. So I surely don't mind people bumping this thread. I've posted a couple both here and in the calendar. Partly to practice using the calendar, but I for one was glad to see your post here. I don't know what happened to the image I posted back in June about the Reno show. Hmmmm ....
  22. @Al Oregon, do you have these in your fantasy collection?
  23. With the different colors on the different sides, I'm comfortable with calling it a Kokomo.
  24. Pretty sure Vacor on the right. For now going with Jabo on the left.
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