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Everything posted by Steph

  1. The clue I was thinking I saw was what looks like fire inside ... on the bottom of the marble. But only comes in peewee ... no that does not make it easy for me! Hmmmm .... *heads out to look for head-scratching emoticon*
  2. The colors remind me of the Vacor Sea Turtle. I don't see a very Vacor structure on yours though. DETAILED INFORMATION (billes-en-tete.com)
  3. Icky! I hope you and your wife can stay relatively comfortable.
  4. Steph


    Tricky one. My first thought was actually Jabo, but I could also see it being a vintage swirl from a company such as Cairo Novelty or even a messed up Peltier. Just not sure.
  5. Steph


    Thinking Peltier Rainbo here:
  6. Steph


    Can't swear not Akro but am considering Vitro.
  7. I want to guess Chuck's but am afraid I'll be right ... and then would have to find another marble to blur! My guess is Kokomo.
  8. I can't be sure -- swiss cheese memory -- but I don't remember seeing any indication that this seamed marble style came from the Veiligglas factory.
  9. Not quite sure what to make of the rest. Are they swirls or are they more like really wiggly Peltiers, for instance? Need to let this simmer a bit.
  10. No slags. The top comes closest. Could be called a slag, except that we call it a transitional. Yes, it is handgathered. A Japanese transitional.
  11. Chad, the white tunnel near the seam is what made me think that one photo would quickly give it away.
  12. Your turn, Chuck! It's one of my very best marbles. I'm guessing that Winnie sent it. Do you remember it? Art was getting warm ....
  13. If we were playing "hot" or "cold", there would have been one "warm" in the answers giving so far.
  14. Does the green fluoresce under blacklight?
  15. I mean, there are greenish-based Alleys, one of the most famous being the Pistachio.
  16. Hmmmm ... with the greenish base, I guess it could still be Alley ....
  17. ... funny what seems "obvious" when you already know the answer ... But maybe not so obvious when you don't know the answer yet.
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