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Everything posted by Steph

  1. If I keep guessing Akro Leopard, I have to get it right sometime. Right? So that's my guess!
  2. Sherry has some sweet old marbles. If this came in the same group as some of her gorgeous old marbles, I see no reason to doubt that it's legit CAC. And if I had seen this thread when it was originally posted, before I paged through all the replies, I would have had the same thought.
  3. You might have two colors of glass in there. Some of my clearies had that glow in parts and turned out to have both red glass and yellow.
  4. Fun. More choices with the long seam than with a V.
  5. Steph

    Time to Fight

  6. Ha! I'm so bad at the names of the less common Ades that I forgot one other possibility. It might turn out to be an Orange Ade. Orange, Cherry, Tomato ... I can NOT keep those straight.
  7. I think that's a hit, not a bubble. The new marble is _some_ kind of Ade, I'm pretty sure, but not Lemon. Tomato Ade or Cherry Ade? I have not perfected those names. (It's also in the Moss Agate family, so you're in the ballpark.) The Lemonade is yellow where your marble is red/orange. A Lemonade photo from ebay:
  8. Not a Lemonade. This one would be a Blue Eggyolk. A nice marble. It is the same family as the Lemonade. Back when Akro made them, Akro called them both Moss Agates. But collectors have different names. The base glass of the Lemonade will fluoresce brightly under blacklight. I don't imagine that the base of your Blue Eggyolk does. Some people think the eyelashes mean the marble was made in the early 1920's. But it wasn't. Eyelashes are just pretty. Maybe caused by dull shears. Bubble? I'm sure that depends. I don't see the bubble that you're looking at.
  9. Steph

    Time to Fight

    Wow. That's simply amazing about the speech.
  10. Not a pontil. That's a machine-made marble. So that's some kind of error in it. But nice haul all the same! P.s., I think "West Virginia Swirls" as opposed to wirepulls. (Wirepulls are from Europe.)
  11. It's also okay to post a single marble in each thread. A single marble. Or a small group. Yes, with multiple views.
  12. It's okay to put "a few" in a single post. But if you have more than a few, it starts getting very complicated to try to identify them. Also, start a new thread which each new group.
  13. ^^ that ... plus the awareness that sometimes larger Akros have Master-like cuts ... I'm on the fence.
  14. Again, I'm glad I got it wrong, because what would I post next? But I really thought I had it! 😂
  15. until
    Buckeye marble show, Canton Ohio, Feb 8th-11th 2023.
  16. I too got a nonMaster vibe from the first. The others do look Master to me. Edit 1: Well, at least the first and last of the marbles in the last group look Master. Not seeing enough of the middle one to tell. Edit 2: The large size gives me pause. But the _look_ is Mastery.
  17. Yesterday, I got as far as thinking the name might begin with a W. But I didn't think very hard because I'm not ready to take another turn yet!
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