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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    Not saying no to Vitro. But also thinking Jabo.
  2. First thought Vitro. But Marble King had some odd vane shapes/counts in their modern cats. If six or more distinct vanes, I'll go with Vitro. What does it look like under blacklight? Some of the MK's had a faint blue glow in the base under UV.
  3. so nice And I really needed an inspiration to get me posting again in the history forum. 1957-08-01 -- Marble King promotional card set - Marble-Related Documents, News, Etc., Especially Items with Dates - Marble Connection
  4. Photos contributed by Jeff Hale, provided to him by the cards' former owner. Background story in his original post: link Thank you, Jeff. Berry Pink's cover letter: The accompanying price list And following will be the card set, ending with the the price list found on the reverse of the cards
  5. Ribbons a bit oddly positioned but I'm going to go with Peltier Rainbo on that
  6. Only the one blue patch? To me that wouldn't qualify as "mushroom". I don't really have a guess for the country of origin though.
  7. Would be good to actually type the numbers at the beginning of the relevant photos. I got a bit dizzy trying to make figure out which number picture I was on. I'm thinking you have this one as a one-incher. Is that correct? Could be a Japanese marble. I'm getting "Wales" possibilities.
  8. Peltier on the bottom. Classic Pelt flip-flop in the ribbons
  9. I'm leaning Vitro. My second and third choice would be Akro and Marble King though not necessarily in that order. In this view, the colors are reminiscent of the Berry Pink.
  10. The wear I'm seeing looks like the standard soft Jabo hits. I thought this color combo and general pattern presented a decision between Pelt and Jabo. Interesting if there's a similar Heaton to be considered.
  11. Congrats on the very cool addition
  12. nice can't exactly remember seeing that before but wondering if that's what was missing from some posts after the Great Photobucket Purge. saved!
  13. Steph

    CAC Slag?

    The presence of both amber and maroon is interesting but I'm _guessing_ it was part of a slag run and the two separate colors were unintentional.
  14. Steph

    CAC Slag?

    I'm leaning toward slag. Electric should have a neon-looking thing going. Not aware of this dark color being associated with "electric".
  15. That may be the first time I've seen a so-called Phantom Conqueror being said to not be a real Conqueror. I'm not going to adopt that interpretation. IMHO they are all Conquerors.
  16. Phantom Conqueror is a sexy sounding name, but I don't use it. I don't know how many strings are needed how they need to be distributed to earn the name "Phantom". I stick with Conqueror for all of them.
  17. When I see a Pelty marble which has two colors of ribbons but not a flip-flop, _that_ is when I start thinking Kokomo. When people try to turn perfectly pelty bubbly glass into Koko just because it's bubbly, I roll my eyes. But no two ribbon colors with no flip-flop? That's when I want to start saying Koko for what everyone else thinks is Pelt. Feel free to roll your eyes.
  18. That's cool in lots of ways! Right down to the " 'n " in place of "and" in a 72-year-old professional letter!
  19. My first thought is "yes" but I see what's holding you back.
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