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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Yup, that's the "vibe". When I was trying to figure out Master tiger eyes, people would talk about a potato chippy structure. Took me awhile to see what they were seeing. Now maybe I see it too much! But, yeah, that's the vibe I was picking up.
  2. The thing that made it looks sort of Mastery yet early than their cat's eyes was the potato-chippy structure I was seeing in places. Such as:
  3. Brain racing. Went from Peltier Banana to Master Cat to Master earlier-than-cat to Akro. Gonna sit on Akro for a bit.
  4. Steph

    Pee Wee

    I think a good chance of it being Vacor. The bubble pop would be consistent with that. Here are three I have in my files, two with bubble pops. The first one has no bubble pops visible but I have a liking for it because I know it came from a Vacor assortment bag, from before the named bags started becoming a big thing.
  5. My first thought was also Jabo swirl.
  6. Here's the Tricolor Agates box which came into the discussion on Facebook. From a Morphy auction, but through a different website, so I couldn't get a bigger photo in my brief attempt. And here's a similar more patchy one that I have. And my apologies to Ben for being so late in getting to this thread. Thanks for the tag, @William
  7. I'm all in on it being Pelt. I think the translucent base on the patches tends to be later, but still in the 1930's.
  8. Such a big piece to make such tiny details in the cat's eyes. Fascinating.
  9. Steph


    You are asking the question in a perceptive manner. At least part of the red seems translucent, so that would not be oxblood. But I couldn't swear that none of the red is oxblood. Hard to say. I'm leaving the door open.
  10. whizzer ... ha ... hope everything comes out okay
  11. Oh it looks Jabo to me. Just clean and sharp.
  12. I'm still going with Vacor on that first one based on colors and texture, but this view makes it look like it could be more of a folded cat's eye than a swirl.
  13. I'm considering that the bottom might be vintage, but I don't know what it would be if vintage.
  14. Rick was posting while I was looking at the Billes site for which Vacor style the first one would be. Maybe a Sunflower. The shades seem to not be quite matching, but the Vacor Sunflower has orange, brown and yellow in clear, which is what I _think_ I'm seeing in the first marble here. DETAILED INFORMATION (billes-en-tete.com)
  15. That red and yellow is classically beautiful. I generally tag Josh when I want help with Jabo dates. @Nantucketdink
  16. My memory has gotten so bad that
  17. Still no sun to speak of but I won't wait any longer. Picture came out pretty well in spite of the clouds. Lutz on two. Mica on one. I uploaded a big pic, so if you click enough times on it you can get some good detail.
  18. I'm guessing that's one of a kind. Like something a workman might have done in spare time.
  19. With the new views, I will stick with Vitro on the lavender and Master on the other. Still just guesses though. Mossy base on the lavender and large sizes in general all leave me plenty of room for doubt.
  20. Not getting a good handle on the texture of the base glass or certain elements of the structure. Tentative guesses are Vitro and Master. But with mossy looking base in the photographs of the first one, I am puzzled. I associate the lavender with Vitro but I can't place a mossy base with Vitro at the moment.
  21. That's some nice ephemera to go with some nice marbles. Dennis Webb and Robert Brown are both marble luminaries. I found this thread first ... it has Brown's photograph. Robert Brown - Archives - Marble Connection It links to this thread: Robert Brown And His Brownie Marbles - Archives - Marble Connection
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