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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Big Vacor

    How big? I'm not seeing a match at the Billes-en-tete site. I'm wondering if it could be Asian.
  2. I had to start a Viking folder on my computer. I don't know whose photo this is. I saw it on facebook and did some searching and learned a little about the topic, though not the photo credit. These are thought to be 1,100-year-old gamepieces for the Viking game Hnefatafl. Maybe these are in the Swedish History Museum. A few links: https://www.ancientgames.org/hnefatafl-tawlbwrdd/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/glass-gaming-piece-may-hail-first-viking-raids-england-180974158/ https://www.fetlar.org/hnefatafl
  3. That is to say, I think you're at least on the right track. I don't know the exact requirements of the Robin though I have at least one. I just know I was told that's what mine was when I posted this group. Yours has more color. Does that get it a new name? I don't know.
  4. Wisconsin has taught me to embrace greenhouse plants. Wisconsin -- and my lack of a good place to start seeds indoors. By the time the tomatoes arrived that I had planted from seed, it felt like they were only producing for a month. Sooooo ...... 8 tomato plants for $20. Got 'em three weeks ago and they're already starting to flower. I'm very happy about that. I picked five varieties from cherry to beef. I don't aspire to fancy heirloom types. I just want to have some tomatoes. I put my radishes, carrots and scallions in containers. Planted those a week ago. Thinned 'em out a couple of days ago. Munched on the pulled sprouts.
  5. I too rush the garden a bit. Got lucky this year. Have made it to the traditional Memorial Day planting weekend without frost.
  6. I wanted to post at least one thing in the historical documents forum today to get back into the swing of things. But then a friend said she needed a girl's night out, and then it turned into a girl's afternoon out. So now I'm just chilling and waiting for the afternoon to begin. Maybe tomorrow!
  7. MK sounds like a good thing to think about ....
  8. If someone provided (again) the contact of a good polisher, I'd probably go for it. However, this is also an option to try:
  9. Oh my. I just saw this announcement. Thank you for letting us know. Condolences to you. I'll move this thread to the main forum for now. Big admirer of your father's work.
  10. I don't think there's a verdict yet. I certainly shouldn't be the last word on the matter. I'd wait for someone else to bring the gavel down.
  11. As far as I know, the choices are Jabo, Alley and Akro. I'm very slightly leaning toward Jabo but the mossy look of the base brings me back to thoughts of vintage.
  12. Gotta be Vitro here.
  13. Another interesting one. At first I wanted to say Akro because of the size and some of the colors. But now I'm leaning toward Vitro because of the transparency of the green.
  14. Steph

    1" ??

    One inch? Completely gorgeous. I guess Master or European, leaning toward European because of the brightness of the colors and the number of colors, but I really don't know.
  15. I also got a Jabo vibe but it might just be the lighting. The base is not quite looking white to me. Lighting that made it seem more white could change my entire impression, I'm sure.
  16. I have no advice on cleaning chinas. I have had color loss on clays. But I don't have much experience with chinas.
  17. The "China" ones are German also.
  18. I think CAC on black/orange and green/yellow. Pelt Rainbo on the right. Don't have a guess on the swirly pastel one that's on the left in most of the pictures.
  19. Spring is finally here and we're rounding the corner to summer. It's very nice outside. On Sunday I fixed a couple of dishes with dandelions. A dandelion and mushroom omelet and a side of dandelion fritters. There's actually a marble connection there because the dandelion fritter recipe came from Ron Buol's wife, the mosaic artist Frances Green. She's apparently an adventurous cook also! The fritters were quite tasty. Her recipe on Facebook I had a bag of roasted salted almonds, so I crushed them up as well as I could for the "ground nuts" part of the recipe.
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