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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Very imaginative. Good luck in your enterprise.
  2. These came to me from Paula Cole as Marble Kings. Maybe yours is a variation on the yellow and red one here.
  3. I too am unable to come up with a Vitro style name for it because it's a little off somehow. For example, the Vitros I can think of that it looks closest to are All-Reds and Tiger Eyes, but I wouldn't call it either one of those.
  4. Yes, it was a good one, you brave man!
  5. I think they're actually Alox patches. The founder's granddaughter confidently describes how Mr. Frier tinkered around until he managed to get patches from his machines. She thought they were the big one-inchers. I think they are the ones in the tit-tat-toe games.
  6. Lucky marble collector who has that bag!
  7. Steph


    Weird to see so many of one color combination together. I guess that was somebody's favorite combo. Possibly Akro Tri-Color Agates. I'm not sure.
  8. Steph


    ^^ well, MOST are slags in that compartment in the center. The blue one near the bottom of that compartment might be what we call a transparent swirl, a little later than most slags. And the marbles to the right are something else.
  9. Steph


    These are called slags. The companies would have called them "onyx" back when they were made in the early 1900's. But the collector name for them now is "slag".
  10. That's how confused you had me. That Taz looked pretty old, but I knew it couldn't be before 1954. But that would still be a little old. You had my mind going every which way.
  11. Hi Bill! Hi Wally! I used to have a house panther. ❤️
  12. agree with Marble King
  13. *tries to think of something to say about cartoon character sulphide* *then looks at calendar*
  14. That does look enjoyable. The ability to draw paths is a fun-looking difference from usual games.
  15. Interesting ... that you did it. And that this 79-year-old man thought it was interesting enough to study and write an article about and encourage further study of.
  16. Yeah ... makes the head hurt, doesn't it.
  17. Jabo Last Dance -- guessing this combo would be hard to acquire (edit: oh, I do see one available in a group from Bermar on ebay)
  18. Steph

    Both Vitro ?

    The second is Vitro to me. The first looks like a modern swirl. The cutline in the first view immediately struck me as non-American. I started to say Vacor, but I realize there are some Asian competitors in circulation now and I don't know their characteristics. I did consider Jabo briefly, but I was leaning strongly enough Vacor that I went to check the Billes page for possible styles. The closest I could see was Bald Eagle. DETAILS (billes-en-tete.com)
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