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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Yeah ... from the 00's to the 30's the glass marble companies were doing their best to appeal to boys brought up on the ideal of stone marbles. P.s., I refer to this ad a lot to remind myself of Master's names and original style designs, because Master's later production became so indistinct, and because collectors keep trying to fit Master marbles into pigeon holes that the anything-goes production of later years don't really fit into. This ad is my touchstone.
  2. Your article makes reference to the drama I chronicled in this very old thread. I need to clean out the photobucket links, but here it is:
  3. Bonus: A picture of a sample box with the contents described in the ad above, courtesy of Joanne Singleton
  4. I used to have free access to a newspaper archive through my local library's site. They discontinued that some years back. I still miss it. It's so fun to go searching for marble entries. Maybe I'll subscribe one of these days to see what new entries I can find since the last time I looked. Here's a rough blow up from my Paint program.
  5. Could be a Vacor Banana Swirl. DETAILED INFORMATION (billes-en-tete.com)
  6. One vote for Vacor Rooster.
  7. Without provenance, I would not want to say Kokomo on either. Of course. That's how Chuck Brandstetter taught me to be. And the disagreement between the two skillful ID-ers above makes me say "there is doubt, and when in doubt assume NOT Kokomo." I would go with Pelt on the left. But the right one looks odd. Not odd in way that makes me want to say Kokomo. Just odd. I don't feel comfortable even saying it's in that Pelt/Kokomo family.
  8. The clay could be made in America.
  9. The big greenish one might also be a Bennington. The wear makes it hard for me to be sure. The purple is a clay. The small reddish one is probably also clay. The pain is worn off so I can't be sure. I'm wondering if some of them might be mineral such as limestone, rather than the manmade ceramic/clay. A nice group. I don't think much monetary value for these types even when mint. But people usually collect these for having cool old marbles, not for the value. And you have an interesting set.
  10. Pretty sure that's Jabo.
  11. I'm going Vitro or Akro on this second one.
  12. I thought Master on both also. If 5/8", I'll keep that option open.
  13. Nooooooooo .... I think I will be strong enough to leave it in the bag. Unless there comes a time that I decide the bag is too soiled and I want to display the gun some special way. But probably leave it in the bag for a good long time. That's why I didn't buy it to begin with -- no place to display. I have to start building display and storage areas before I do much more acquisition. But there's a guy at work who asks me if I've picked up any new marbles lately, so I will now have something to tell him about.
  14. I see a place where it says the seller is doing a special offer of $32.50. And it says "Other buyers may have received this offer. The first to accept, gets the deal." I didn't request a best offer. Can people see who has viewed their auctions? I didn't even hit "watch" that I know of. And I get a special offer? Did anyone else see it? Dang, I'm tempted. Nevermind! I took it!
  15. Steph


    What I'm watching right now instead of whatever I'm supposed to be doing:
  16. Bee-Vo Bell Gun Don Miller posted a picture on facebook of his gun, with a Tiger Eye in it. When you shoot it, a bell rings. I went straight to eBay to see if I could get one cheap. This buy-it-now was tempting to me, but I've spent enough on marbles for a bit. Vintage NOS BEE-VO BELL GUN 204 Plastic Space Gun 1950's. Very Rare | eBay
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