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Everything posted by Steph

  1. My mother gave me a cactus once. I was living in Oklahoma. She brought it up from South Texas. I felt so guilty for not loving it. I didn't love any plants at the time, but I wasn't bringing them home with me. I had no idea what to do with a cactus in my dorm room. Your flowers are beautiful.
  2. That pink tote in the next yard back .... there's a fair-sized boy in it.
  3. Replaced the smallest container in that photo with a still-small-but-a-little-larger one, which now contains seeds for skinny onions. Planted cucumbers in the big one. Carrots and radishes in the other two. Starting to think about the idea of getting pregrown flowers, but it's still a new idea for me. Right now I'm trying to figure out where to put more dwarf sunflower seeds, since the packet we bought online contained a thousand and so far I've only planted less than ten.
  4. Looking at the texture of the base makes me wonder what you see if you backlight it. If it has fire inside then I'd call that an Ace. Then I'd think about what extra adjectives that little line of red might give it. But if no fire, then that line of thought is moot.
  5. They used to be thought to be Christensen. Then they were thought to be Champion. Further study pointed to Alley. Sometimes marbles change places. Like Helmets went from being Akro to being Vitro and those pretty blue patches went from being Alley to being Akro.
  6. I was checking my computer on a break, saw your post and had to run out to get this picture before the shadows got too long. I had quite firmly told myself I was not going to have a garden this year, but I had 20 minutes to kill on Monday and spent them in a garden center and got home with 8 tomato plants. Planted those in two different plots. Added green beans, peas, cilantro, dill, marigolds, dwarf sunflowers and butterfly friendly flower mix in various spots around the yard. Now I'm I'm thinking about what to put in the containers.
  7. I just don't know. Leaning Master for the structure, but with it being a larger than average marble ... nothing would surprise me.
  8. At almost .7 different seam rules could apply .....
  9. Oh my. What Art said. Gotta go with Master though those colors are driving me bats.
  10. Why don't I just blow everything up by suggesting LATE Vitro or Jabo.
  11. Steph

    Time to Fight

    You sound like you're in great hands.
  12. Last I heard, corals were Alleys.
  13. I think both Pelt and Kokomo can be pretty irregular in ribbon length and width. And I'm not saying Leigh's is a Kokomo. I'm just saying that there's reason to go slow and consider. Maybe it will turn out to be a Peltier. If it is though, it's an unusual one.
  14. Same pattern? Not sure where you're going with the collage. Here's are some pix that Scott LeGrande took to illustrate the flip-flop that's typical of Pelt Rainbos with two ribbon colors: Compare that to Leigh's marble:
  15. Now I want to delete my answer. The more I look at it, the more I can't figure what's the ribbon and what's the base.
  16. I think Rainbo. And maybe called Pine Needle?
  17. (I hate being the one to suggest Kokomo, because too many marbles get ID-ed as Kokomo, but the ribbon order is worth discussing.)
  18. This is a highly unusual Peltier Rainbo, or it is a Kokomo. Typically Pelt Rainbos will have the ribbons change order on opposite sides. On the top side in this view you have red on the left and white on the right. So typically in a Peltier Rainbo, on the bottom side the white would be on the left, red on the right.
  19. Steph


    My first thought was Alley Agate. Not sure what being out-of-round would mean to my guess. If I'm right about it being Alley, maybe it was dug or maybe it just slipped by quality control.
  20. That's what I would have wanted. But with the other marbles Rick was posting ... and with the mysterious "exotic conqueror" and "fancy conqueror" names floating around ... and with my awareness of about five years of Vitro patches coming between the standard conquerors and the Tiger Eyes, I feel shaky here. Soooooo ... with the topic fresh on my mind from another thread, I googled for exotic conquerors and found this AAM picture. Talk to me about this. Any Tiger Eyes here?
  21. I need to pay really good attention to whatever this turns out to be and save pix and such. It's about time I learned about these special so-called Conquerors and such.
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