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Everything posted by Steph

  1. That blue/yellow/white looks like a Vacor oddity. One day I'd like to know when/where this one came from. These are just different.
  2. The pix had too little detail for me to know if I was looking at Vitros or weird MK-like ones, or a combo, or what. Sorry.
  3. Eneeway and fwiw, the 1994 2nd edition of Greenberg's magically appeared in my mailbox today and in that Randall and Webb sort of elaborate on their ambiguous mention of corkscrews from the 1988 edition. In the 1st edition the way they said it made it unclear when the name originated. It could have been a regional thing that they were just getting used to and could have been in longtime use but not the name they preferred or maybe they even heard it from J. Fred Early since they used it in the caption for his collection. But then in the 2nd edition they called corkscrews "the most recent name for spirals". They said that an old name for Spirals was Ace. "Ace" is a cool name. It was visible on boxes. I could see the kids picking up on it. But I'd want more corroboration for that too. p.s., I love getting new old books and seeing new old names. Did you know that in 1912 Latticinios were called "Fluffy Allies"?
  4. If it is just masked out then hopefully you can get to it by hitting the button on the left. If it's not there at all, then the only thing I know to help is using the image tags. The code to post your photo of John Kinstler would be [img=http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/uploads/gallery/album_244/gallery_60_244_22216.jpg]
  5. No toolbar at all? Not even a masked out one like this:
  6. Yay, it worked. If you're using the reply window at the bottom of the page then choose "More Reply Options". Hopefully that will give you a "Preview Post" option. What size image did you attempt to upload?
  7. Check this out ... The "My Media" button: http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=16054
  8. Mike sent me some ads from the Peltier collection which I'll be adding to the company timelines when I get the link situation straightened out. Not just the Pelt timeline. The Akro and Vitro and MK lines too. Ad salesmen apparently sent flyers and magazine ads from other manufacturers to show the kind of work the ad company might be able to do for Peltier. So anyway, that's a heads up for some things to come. But I just couldn't wait to post this! Have you seen this window package before? Do you have one?!
  9. This is what I've got, Rich. The "My Media" Button: http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=16054 I might have been tempted to edit your post for you but I don't have access to your gallery menu.
  10. To whom it may concern: At this time, most of us are experiencing a problem with the "Attach Files" option which you might see in your reply window. Our old attachments should still be available for us to reuse. However to upload new images, for now at least it looks like we need to go to the gallery. If you're having trouble uploading images to the gallery, please contact us.
  11. This My Media button is kinda cool once you find it. My screen shots are probably overkill ... but just in case. First make sure you have an image uploaded into the gallery. Then you're ready to make a post. Punch the My Media button and choose the Gallery Images option. Voila, your most recent gallery uploads should appear. Instead of the Gallery Images option you could pick Attachments to see things you've posted in other threads so that you won't have to upload them again. Click on the image you want and then you get a brief statement indicating that something happened. And behind the popup you can see that there is new text. Hit Finished and there's the code for the attachment. Hit Post and there's the image from the gallery.
  12. I compared your code to the code Lou used for his gallery pic example in the Trouble Loading Pix thread. His looks much simpler than what I saw on yours. But I don't know how to get to the simple code yet. Lou's code: [sharedmedia=gallery:images:3230] What yours looks like when I open up your post in the editor: [url="http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=gallery&image=3240"][img=uploads/gallery/album_242/tn_gallery_2583_242_14628.jpg][/url] Sorry for the inconclusive answer. I trust it won't be too hard to figure out the right way but ... it's 2 in the morning. I shouldn't be here! Later!
  13. Lou, do you mean that we should not try to attach files down there where it says to attach? We should just go to the gallery? It looks as if it gives the opportunity to attach in the usual manner. When I go to the Reply window this is what I see: Then after I press the "attach this file" button, this is what I see:
  14. Sorry Andrea. I'm seeing different things for your code depending on where I view/review/preview it. It looks like you have some extra symbols in there. Does this resemble what you typed in? [img]<img src=http://home.comcast.net/~marblemaven/Thelma1.jpg>[/img] Here's how I type the brackets and img code to make them work: [img=http://home.comcast.net/~marblemaven/Thelma1.jpg]
  15. You sure that wasn't 14k? That's the figure I remembered for one with that name. This is the most expensive one I can recall seeing.
  16. *blush* Thanks guys! I get a lot of help. But would always welcome more input. I guess I should call Rick to learn about the exotics. But I'm intimidated by the subject and am glad to be an observer for now!
  17. That's an odd looking wrap but very interesting. So interesting that I might not have posted it here. Might have hoped it would go under the radar. I'm not going to bid you out of it but doesn't mean I wasn't tempted. If only to have a look at what it really is.
  18. I found a 1977 article which called them Spirals. (link) But that didn't turn out to be independent. It was by Mark Randall who co-authored Greenberg's so we already knew about his preferred term.
  19. They're at least interesting. If people don't recognize them because they're so rare, then you might want to hang onto them because they're so rare. Make a copy of the auction listing and store it with them. If people don't recognize them because we're just not thinking straight ... then sorry! lol You might end up thinking it was one of the best buys you made! Or not. Nothing ventured nothing gained, huh? But they are nice and colorful. And I still like them! My 2 cents! Congrats on the scholarship.
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