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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Time Magazine article: The Most Disturbing Artist You've Never Heard Of from the article:
  2. There's the rub, Derrick. Thanks, Lou.
  3. The 1926 booklet in its entirety. (click to enlarge) The 4 page advertisement insert starts here:
  4. Three more early ones, boxes patented July 13, 1915 (click pix to enlarge) The patent: . .
  5. But they delight all children! Here is an ad for a similar box, with a change of address. This might be the first Clarksburg ad. Appears to from about 1916: (click to enlarge)
  6. Lovely. It would be cool to have a red/white/blue mib collection. I'm thinking particularly about a machine-made focus, since those are fascinatingly, frustratingly difficult to identify. I'd like to have a well-id-ed collection of vintage red/white/blues all together for purposes of study. :-)
  7. Some nice detail here. (click to enlarge) From All About Marbles, 1926, published by the Akro Agate Co.
  8. Steph

    Ad Heaven

    Here's another great one someone gave me a lead on. Maybe it should have gone in the handmades thread. A list of Lion Coffee Premiums dated 1897, with some sweet marbles. A stone agate, 2 latts, 2 bennies and a china. (click to enlarge) Here's some background on Lion Coffee advertising, The Lion Coffee Saga. Notice that the Woolson Spice Co. had been well known for its premiums for some years, but 1896 is given as the year the company launched an advertising campaign of epic proportions.
  9. I got ideas, and boxes full of materials to use for them ... LOL ... Gotta admire people who DO IT! I missed the figure too until Sue commented on it. That's wild. Mary, your bear is amazing!
  10. So, is the sulphide a rescued marble, or was it made from scratch?
  11. I didn't see this when you posted it. Not sure I see it now.
  12. (click to enlarge .. maybe doubleclick to get fullsize)
  13. gorgeous! And what fun it would be deciding which four of each run to include !
  14. Hey there, Rosalie. :-) Unfortunately I think we're at the point where nothing I posted would be thought to resemble a furnace swirl. I suspect I could even post a furnace swirl but call it a Jabo and someone would say "that doesn't look anything like a Champ". (plus, I can't upload pix at the moment. )
  15. I figured that was coming. I love pancakes!
  16. I now realize size is not an option (edit: obstacle). That was staring in my face but I didn't notice. I think Randy's is a larger one, by the way. He posted it in a group shot as well as the individual pix. And yeah, I was mostly referring to the individuals which crossover, with some of the Jabo families having a higher likelihood of such individuals than other families. Some colors are closer too than the Charleston, but those don't get as many pix taken. The cold rolly and other error Jabos don't get as many pix either. That's where some of the nearer matches are going to be found. So I'd have to pull the nearer matches from my cache and then take care of that pesky camera problem.
  17. That is one good point, Sue. The next good point is that Kevin is being rude and presumptuous and did I mention rude? And here's one which might also be considered a good point, though I shouldn't have to say it, since there is more than one way to acquire knowledge -- I own furnace mibs. I am sooooooooooooooo tired of the attitudes of the people who seem to expect a notarized affidavit of how many marbles I own before they will accord me as much respect as, say, what Kevin expected in his 2nd week of collecting marbles. And now for someone so new to jump on that bandwagon ... that bandwagon with the broken axle which allows people to make false assumptions about me and use their assumptions to justify jerky behavior .... Excuse me ... I need to go vent quietly in another room .....
  18. LOL, yes some do! And not just like Randy's. But that's the one which made me do a double take and realize I could slip some into a furnace photo and maybe not be called on it. LOL Well, back to Jaboland .....
  19. Whoops! sorry to kill the thread, but they are similar! Okay, I'm moving over to Jaboland now. :icon_lmao:
  20. Take this Champ of Randy's again: I need to get my camera back online or watch the Jabo auctions on ebay for some good photos which might capture what I see in mine but this pic of Windy's gives an idea of how close the motion can be. Some of mine are even better than this. Tighter. with super hooks. and yeah, some with annealing fractures. :glare: (oh well -- i'll deal with it!)
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