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Chuck G

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Everything posted by Chuck G

  1. X3, a (look a like) mimic. Chuck G---
  2. My opinion, looks to be stone that has been painted. The inclusions look to be that, or it could be ceramic painted. Chuck G---
  3. Pricing marbles is and has always been unpredictable. Over all the years i have been collecting, I find that (WE) as collectors and or vendors sum what control the selling market on marble examples. No different than playing the stock market to a point. You play the (game) as prices waver up and down by (demand). Over the years, finding (rare) examples and public noted will drive prices for most part upward. You will be misled a lot of times, so be very aware. (Crooks) are everywhere now. Marbles shows are the best way to learn extensively on selling prices and getting to know (trustworthy) vendors with great examples they sell and stand behind. This specific collecting field will (in my opinion) still grow, unless the (economy) crashes which I pray it does not ever. Be very aware of what you purchase and NOT being in HAND to inspect, verses over the web sales. A few thoughts and opinions on y part as a very long time collector. Chuck G---
  4. VERY NICE, (if) they had a (tan) base what would they be? Chuck G---
  5. X4, Vitro also. Chuck G---
  6. Chuck G


    This example, (one close to this) was posted awhile back that I called a "Cyprus Tree" and has the same color combination. This color configuration can be found in various sizes but may vary in the burnt red/brownish/dark brown ribbon color, most being this burnt red brown. Price ranges will vary by condition and size. Chuck G---
  7. Melissa, these are really nice and even (I) mistook these for Peltiers. I got introduced to these examples a few years ago down at one of the Pocontas Arkansas marble show by a good Marble King collector buddy who gave me one, and then over at the Indiana show got a few more and some of these have a (blue) tint to the glass. These examples go real well in your Marble king group. Chuck G---
  8. X4, i agree, as some of these examples have this (other color) line of an off shade of color. Chuck G---
  9. Chuck G

    Bead ID

    An early Czech, bullet mold. I have been seeing a lot of this subject come about now. The Czech marbles are being more sought after now also. My first one i found was over 45 years ago, and mistook it for CAC but it is not. Chuck G---
  10. Yes, i agree with Ric. here is a (question) i pose to everyone and i would love to see a response to it. (How) can you tell on this specific named Peltier "Dragonfly" which is the (base) color? I have wondered on this for along time. Chuck G---
  11. I agree with the others, Peltier most likely. Chuck G---
  12. Fire, i agree with Chad. Chuck G---
  13. I do not think this example is a Peltier, but see what more of the others have to say. Chuck G---
  14. I agree, looks Akro to me also.. Chuck G---
  15. I think that Chad and Art has a perfect point and to keep (confusion) down, lets us all leave the "Lemon/Lime" to Peltier and the "Girl Scout" to Marble King. Very GOOD point and i do like it. Chuck G---
  16. Chad, has it right. Now some id yours as a "Girl Scout", but we do not want to get to confused on names. Chuck G--
  17. Melissa, this example was discussed a little while back. I call them "Cyprus Trees", proper name, may get in trouble by the name. Chuck G---
  18. Tommy, a very nice example. I have found these in a few different make ups. The yellow bas is about all alike, in the different types. The coral/pink ribbons are (sorta) like the "Prima Agate" color on their swirl type. Now some may not have any green tint while others may have one green ribbon and or half green and yellow. Some of these in my opinion i would put into the "Golden Dragon " family type. Gold yellow and green leaning towards the name. This is my opinion on this type. Chads comments are correct also. Chuck G---
  19. Melissa, Art is correct but the (four) colored shooter size one is double plus more than that. This (four) color big shooter is what most look for, pertainng to Marble King. Chuck G---
  20. Art, you are very correct, on some really odd stuff the (rolled) out of the Peltier factory. That is why i liked Peltier so much, because the (never ending) odd ball stuff that made it out to the public. A lot of theories and speculation arise with examples we find today. What makes an example rare, that is the question and an odd marble that came out, may have been just a fluke in the process, like you said. We collectors and what we find does drive the hobby forward, just like a rare coin. Chuck G---
  22. Sorry Chad, this computer shows a yellow base with red and black ribbons, you are probably right, my bad. Chuck G---
  23. Art, nice group. The "Golden Rebel" be a good one to buff out or a slight polish to it. Chuck G---
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