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Speed Racer

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Everything posted by Speed Racer

  1. Looks like Galen nailed it in post #10. Once again, kudos to Galen. U DA MAN!
  2. P.S. I'll get Willie to dig out his example and try to lay all of this to rest. Alas...still chasing the elusive MK Watermelon Patch!
  3. Thank you Ric, you have certainly convinced me. I cannot thank you enough for your generous presentation, and yes, my mib looks to be from the same run as your example 'now broken to smithereens' .
  4. Mine looks veneered. Willie and I talked about this mib and he said it looks just like one he has, except his has a big chip, exposing an opaque white base. Willie thinks MK all the way. (Thanks again for looking at it for me Willie)
  5. Nice mibs Ric! I really love the first one. Are they all veneered colors on an opaque white base Ric? I think I am seeing transparent bases on your mibs William. (Hey Steph, why are some of my replies in bold and it won't let me change it?)
  6. Thank you Ron. Glad to hear you are getting better as well. Thanks for the info.
  7. First of all let me say it is a blessing to be back in touch with my marble buddies. I am getting stronger after a short setback. My whole body was trying to check out due to an onset of thyroid linked problems, but now I am bouncing back and will try to get around more often. OK, here is a unique Marble King that I wished to share. It is 3/4 and contains a tiny amount of aventurine. The colors are veneered onto an opaque white base and I see green and red and some blue. The darker color in the red looks more lavender in hand. Good to be somewhat back, enjoy.
  8. Great card Winnie! Merry Christmas Lou! Merry Christmas Steph! Merry Christmas Edna! Merry Christmas Derrick! Merry Christmas Ric! Merry Christmas Galen! Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year to all big-mibbers everywhere!!! Speed Racer
  9. Truth is like love, you have to earn it. I can't imagine him having any personal stash left after all the medical bills started pouring in. The doctors got most if not all the good marbles here folks. It is simple math. Alan didn't make that much on consignment mibs, which is why I try not to add too many consignments to my own business. I need to sell mostly my own stuff to make any real money to pay my monthly bills, and he must have had big time medical bills coming in for at least well over a year or so.
  10. I thought we weren't asking that question so soon. Do you collect Mad? I have an entire run from #24 thru the eighties. All mint except for #25 thru #29 which are near mint. If you're looking for the original comic book size Mad, I have most of those as well, but I'm not selling those yet. Also have an entire run of TV Guides from Jan 1957 thru the eighties if you're interested, which it seems you are.
  11. Well, finally some proof for the ebay do-nuthin's who have too much of a live and let live attitude about bad sellers. If only the right pair of eyes could see that these sellers are really just guessing at thier ID when they list these auctions, and or are just lying from the git go. 'Look over the pics and judge for yourself',... indeed. Why would you have to say this if you knew you were correct. Don't any of these crooks have any respect for their own reputations, or themselves? Why don't they just stop using the separate categories in the listings since it doesn't seem to weed out anything that doesn't belong.
  12. Slags are nice. Here's a big brown 'un. It used to be yellow till the harmful effects of the hot sun since the nineteen thirties...well, you know the rest.
  13. Galen is right, they are only showing one pontil. Also notice that the zoom feature wasn't avail on this mib as it was the others from this seller.
  14. Hey! We already have a Santa Claus. And you waited till Rich was half way between Calif and NY and couldn't defend himself. The shame.
  15. I'd call it a ball. A ball of coral. Short of covetable just a tad, since it doesn't make me want to run out and get one. A curiosity at best. Billiard balls were once carved from ivory, since plastic wasn't invented yet. Does that make them marbles today? I wonder if it might have been a carpet ball?
  16. Wow thanks. Shame on Granpa. I see the fire polish now. He fooled four HM collectors and myself. Pity.
  17. 'Stalker Steph' ? That is hilarious. Good for you, Steph!
  18. I believe you only please explain why a contemp would be sporting the remains of a ground pontil after, of course, they go to the trouble of polishing/buffing. Or is what I'm seeing as the remnants of a ground pontil actually minute air bubbles? (click on the pic)
  19. What makes you think it is a contemp? Just trying to learn something about the questionable pontils that I'm not seeing. It sounds as if you have already held this mib or that you actually made this mib.
  20. They all look old to me. I think most buffing is done by hand and leaves the pontils intact and an out of round might stay out of round. Polishing is usually machine-done which creates a nearly perfect orb as you describe. Polishing totally removes the original pontils and the marbles won't necessarily fetch as much at auction.
  21. Most probably wouldn't admit it if they did. They're selling alright. It's like zeroing in on a meth lab. >>>There it is!!!>>> Yet we sit and watch and worry somewhat about the people taken to the cleaners. I guess I just feel sorry for them, the people taken to the cleaners, especially in this economy.
  22. My understanding was that some were only found in the 5/8 size, Tom Mix, Coat's Master Loaf, etc., while others were on 5/8's and larger PPP's. Seems tho that every year proves another theory incorrect. Nothing is carved in marble these days...as far as facts.
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