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Speed Racer

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Everything posted by Speed Racer

  1. Wow! Thanks Galen. Must have been my lucky week for marbles. Also my lucky day with the camera. I'll just guess on the price for the show in Montgomery this wknd. Five?
  2. After long hours studying this mib, I think it may have been made in the good ol' USA, and not as German as everyone thought. Although not a lot going on inside this mib, there is some action going on inside. What is a real 15/16ths minty peach going for these days? Galen?
  3. It seems to me if you click the little black box (that says Scott Patrick) a second time to make it go full screen, the delay vanishes.
  4. Could it be a messed up Akro?
  5. The other two Alley's I spoke of are transparent green base with thick aventurine ribbons swirled throughout. Here is the best I can come up with for now. This one is 7/8.
  6. In hand the color is exactly like my pink depression dishes. Bought it as a German made. Another view...
  7. Finally found a big ol' slag with the pink color.
  8. The show was pretty well attended with the hotel rooms overflowing to another floor. We were lucky enough to have this nice young man making marbles right there at the show, until it got too windy. Here is one of three Alley shooters I was able to score, all loaded with aventurine. The aventurine makes a dazzling appearance on the surface of this mib, while the other two have the aventurine swirling inside the mib. Still trying to get a winning picture of those two.
  9. Really diggin' the Howlin' Wolf's mib. Missed you at the Texas show Rich, sorry you couldn't make it.
  10. It was my/our pleasure Rylee. I just love meeting new collectors. Hope you really enjoy all the mibs you found. Roger
  11. Is it the wrong color for Alley, Steph?
  12. I understand what you are saying Leroy and I have to agree that some of the terminology quickly becomes generic. Cullet covers all the groups.
  13. I'll be there for the floor show Sat. Not sure about the room trading yet. Look forward to meeting you. Roger
  14. Very very nice Galen. How do you do it? It seems you have a magical magnetism for the CAC's. Bravo!!!
  15. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery. We'll add him to the prayer list.
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