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Everything posted by 1313

  1. i thought everyone knew rich, ive known him for years. hes one of the tops at restoration ;)3
  2. greg goes to all of the canton shows, only he doesnt come out of his room..........nice find,on the dug marble galen. i think santa had this in his workshop, lol................
  3. thanxs for the shoutout scott..........glad to see your aliveand well ;0)
  4. real nice! another large killer on ebay, sized http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-HUGE-ANTIQUE-GROUND-PONTIL-LEIGHTON-TRANSITIONAL-MARBLE-1-19-32-EGG-YOLK-/301080015729?pt=Marbles&hash=item4619c47371
  5. i guess i didnt take it, like it was meant. i see the dictators slide on just about everything, time to open my eyes wider ;0)
  6. your missing something alright. letting people manage there own affairs. what a seller gets for his product is noones business, just like what a buyer pays for a rare find is noones business.
  7. im with galen on this. pontil pics
  8. they look like a bead, i found some imported millefiori beads some yrs ago and heated them and gave the hole a little twist to close it up. crude rough pontils, some rough some polished.........
  9. youd better hope he doesnt kill turkeys on the connection.
  10. when they wire your jaw,message me ;0)
  11. can you show any example of your work?
  12. in a recent purchase of akro marbles, quite a few of these marble were present, i didnt think much about it until this post?????
  13. not mentioned or intended "Hello, can anyone else see the opaque white base thru the transparent blue? I am also seeing the grey. I thought Spidermen were on an opaque baby blue base" i can clearly see
  14. good answer, maybe you should give a buy it now ,at not such an excessive price
  15. is the price of this marble anyones business?
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