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Everything posted by westcoast_dave

  1. Good point there. Could very well be a nothing-burger, lol. But just for argument sake, that is a good bit of glass knowledge for an ad writer? Maybe, maybe not. Also, the ad date is late 1928 (Christmas time). Fairly close to the release of the NLR line which is thought of having marbles that contained aventurine. I still think there's a slight possibility that those unusual aventurine marbles were in 5 & 10 boxes, if not in the 1928 versions then maybe even in the later early 1930's boxes. Just blind speculation on my part of course.
  2. All pelt rainbo on these two.
  3. White doesn't count. Vintage machine-mades only. "The euro sparkler who wanted to be a Joseph's coat".
  4. I've always found so many transparents and almost no opaques over the years. (to our overseas friends) How much harder to find are the Striped Opaques Vs. Transparents for you?
  5. Alan, all that blue and orange sure looks awesome in the sunlight.
  6. Post your findings here if you have any luck, a silver wasp might be waiting for you.
  7. A favorite color combo. Post your blues & oranges, all makers welcomed.
  8. Its a large green one, Pedigree Empire brand it says. I should of tested other erasers, and I already cleaned up every rusty marble I had with it. I have an old lot of marble mail coming today, hopefully I get a rusty one to experiment on and show photos of. I'll post back later.
  9. You're right, the glass itself doesn't rust but when the glass is in contact with water (moisture) and metal, a film of rust oxidation shows up on the marbles. Probably from being stored in tin coffee cans or being next to steelies. Still curious if anyone else has given it a try. It works like a charm.
  10. That book really sparked my interest more than ever in Alley's including the photo books that were put out. Much more variety to the company than I thought. So many swirls, so little time.
  11. Not sure, but Illinois would be a great place to look. Old church yards may have some as well. When I was a boy I used to play marbles in the dirt area around the outside of our church and found a lot of old looking marbles that I now know were slags. Mike, yup those are the ones. I'm sure Peltier was doing a lot of experimenting with the machinery at this time. I wonder if 1928 could of been the year he made his first aventurine marbles.
  12. I like these, thinking about buying a few. They look great for sorting marbles. A large one that would hold a couple hundred marbles would be awesome.
  13. Not sure if this has been shared before, but I came across an ad for Peltier No. 5 boxes in a 1928 Bulter Bros. Catalog with interesting wording that seems to describe aventurine. "Sparkling rainbow colors produced by fusing metal and glass". I've always been curious as to how the older more rare aventurine type marbles were sold, such as the "Silver Surfer & Blue Galaxy" types. If they were packaged in boxes such as these, maybe that is why they are much harder to find and almost always have condition issues. The big National Line Rainbo boxes were nice gift sets that someone was more likely to keep together as a full set. But with No. 5 boxes, I imagine the marbles would be immediately used, played with and lost. Most of these older rare aventurine marbles may be lying in the dirt on old school grounds instead of sitting in attics in nice box sets. Just food for thought. I'd like to hear any input of new info anyone may have about the subject.
  14. Did you buy the lot? Sometimes what looks like wear in the photos could be just dirt and grime.
  15. Really nice straight edge pattern on that one. Keep em' coming folks, they don't have to be incredibly busy, any interesting ones will do. This one reminds of hot rod flames.
  16. Summer has brought a alley fever out west. Would like to see some of the busiest swirls that you've been hiding.
  17. Its a Green Fizz, but dragon fizz does have a nice ring to it.
  18. Fizz anyone?? 🍸 Comes with orange zest.
  19. Not sure if this has been mentioned here before but I just had the most amazing results using a large pencil eraser. It came off immediately. Please let me know if it works on your rusty mibs.
  20. What a great example to find. Where there is one there must be more. Too bad about the condition though.
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