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Everything posted by coolbrezz

  1. I will be there! I missed the Vegas show! So I am really excited to make this one!
  2. That's better then a marble! Looks like a football player already! Beautiful baby boy! Congrats!
  3. Kinda of looks Peltier. I want to eat it!
  4. Rich, I will take pictures for you! I just emailed you. Windy
  5. I think they are both Peltiers! Lets see what Mike Barton says! I will PM him!
  6. I think your green one is a Peltier dug from the Peltier Factory. Here is mine, I got this from migbar he dug this at the Peltier Factory. .
  7. I will be there! I am getting excited to see some marbles! Ernie and Dani make this marble show a lot of fun! And I will be able to see their little guy! MisterMarbles I have done some of my best trades at this show! Some people think that you just might get a better deal at the show because it is the last day to sell or trade!
  8. Are you guys sure his is twelve? Really? You should not go behind your Grams back! Very disrespectfu!!!! I am telling!
  9. I just now heard about the earthquake! First thing I thought go to marble connection thinking OMG it has to be scary if your not used to them! I live in Calif. so I am use to them! My two kids and I would always run for my grandfather clock! It was are meeting place. We would say after it was starting to stop that this one was like e ticket ride at Disneyland. Pretty sick! I hope everyone is ok! My dog always warns me about 30 seconds before I feel it!
  10. Smitty thank you for sharing! That is a really rare find!
  11. Sorry I am late! I have been out of town working! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERNIE! Hope it was a good one!
  12. I would not buy any from ebay! I agree with Galen! I keep mine because it is just a little bonus when I am hunting sea glass.They are not worth anything! But it is sure fun wondering where they have been, and where I found them!
  13. Jill, I sea glass hunt a lot! I have found around 15 marbles in about 15 years! I went to the beach early this morning for about 1 1/2 hours. Here is the glass I found and half of a Alley marble. The second picture is all the marbles that I have found from sea glass hunting for 15 years!I have not even cleaned off the sand yet!
  14. My concern now if they knew how to get a hold of Craig, I bet they may just be reading Marble Boards. Also they must of known that Bo collected marbles, if that was the only thing taken! I can remember when I first started collecting I read on the boards that someone had stolen someones marbles in cases at a show. They just walked out with them. Everybody was so mad and talking about it on the boards! But the person that stoled them must of thought he was going to get caught,or felt bad, and all of a sudden the marbles showed up at his front door! I just hope that they have not been sold! And if they are reading this just return them. Bo's family should not have to go thru this! Do the right thing! The people that have seen Bo's collection should check ebay. I think I can remember some of his Masters! Beautiful Sunburst!
  15. I am so sorry! It just makes me sick! Believe me that a lot of people will be watching! Who ever did this, it would be very smart of you to return them! sister2BO I think you should put in your title instead of help, In capitals BO's marble collection has been stolen. More people will see it! I pray that it is returned!
  16. Bob Jackson Jay Vargas Bill O'Connor and ? Steve Perch Preston Norman
  17. Seth Parks Picture below is his beautiful hanging light! That he made. BJ Smith Lee Linne Bennie & wife Paul Bud & Carol Clover Bill O'Connor
  18. I sure hope I get these names right! Some pics did not turn out very well! I will post a few tonight and try to finish them in the morning! Rich Shelby and Al Rasmus Bob Robbins Tom Rudolph Mike Johnson Kirby Manon Katherine Nakazono Shauana Lamb Steve Perch and his beautiful Daughter!
  19. Yes it is! A lot of the collectors agreed on it! It is very pretty too! I am trying to get more pictures posted and work also!
  20. Rich did it again! The show was a lot fun! Room trading was great!Thank you Rich for all the hard work you put into it! I got to see for the first time in hand a Peltier Blue galaxy, also a grey coat. Here is what I came home with! This peltier has a blue patch on one end. I will post more as soon as I can!
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