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Everything posted by Killermarbles

  1. how much do you want for this marble and what else do you have for sale? Thanks Randy Conway
  2. I think they look great. Thanks for posting them for me. Randy
  3. Let's play a marble game It's the alphabet game from A to Z post them in order i will try to start with amber mica A for Amber now if I can get the picture to post and this picture I found on line it's a big marble for sure post and tell the name of a marble.
  4. Jeff Which mica is your newest edition?
  5. hello I was looking at old pictures on the boards and saw this marble what size is it? Thanks Randy

  6. These are actually not Joseph's coats. they are called onionskins Randy
  7. Bill I tried to send you a message and it said you cant receive messages I will be there Tuesday afternoon as always I am looking for great handmades Randy Conway
  8. I will be there Tuesday afternoon looking for great handmades Randy Conway
  9. I talked to eBAY and the more phone calls and letters they get the better the chances they will fix it
  10. I talked to eBAY and the more phone calls and letters they get the better the chances they will fix it
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