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Everything posted by Killermarbles

  1. This marble is about 5/8"+ It has a solid white core that is surrounded by lutz and it has green outer bands.
  2. I plan on being there Wednesday
  3. Bought a small cabinet at the antique swap meet the other day. Then I found a store that sells nothing but boxes, I bought small boxes 3-1/2 x 3-1/2 x 2" tall to display my marbles in. I am always looking for marble displays. These marbles are up to 2-7/16"
  4. On the large broken cane marble it looks like the cane broke and the the guy just reattached them by heating them up and kept going.
  5. I agree the 3rd and 5th are killer in fact I would like to have them in my collection. I disagree on the 4th I think it is also a killer and would be welcome in my collection too. Randy Conway
  6. I will try to get a picture or two Monday at the shop Randy
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