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Everything posted by flyball

  1. I agree with Steph , the marble stands on its merits. Great AV! Four color is , I believe, still the word on parrots. And parakeets? Well, i know some people like the term and some don't. Long time Vitro collectors have id'd parrots as small as 5/8ths.
  2. I sure don't. I wish I had made a list when I saw them for sale
  3. flyball

    Leaf Bug

    Yep , green katydid. They make beautiful bug music in the evening:)
  4. This is wonderful info! Thanks Ann!
  5. That is the box graphics I saw in George's binder of photos. Thanks Steph!
  6. flyball

    This One

    I could be way off but I am thinking Vitro as well. There is two pretty straight seams , older looking syrupy glass , Vitro orange thin lines and bright white. ??
  7. No prob Steph. I had the opportunity to look through George's binders and saw a very unusual Peltier add for --- if I remember correctly -- Peltier "Smilies" . It was a green box with yellow marbles pictured on the face. Anyone know anything about these? I never saw this before and am quite curious..... THX!
  8. I only have one.... of some great looking Vitro packaging...
  9. That's interesting. I never thought about Fabers possibly being Webers. Weavers probably are connected in some way also. I thought I heard Weber actually does mean weaver (?) For the record, my maiden name has only one b.
  10. So , in my humble opinion, I think the bug "holding things together" is actually caught. In the web. I don't think it is a spider. And BTW I am a "weber" also. You from NE Ohio?
  11. Steak, salad, a beer and marbles = perfect!
  12. Never realized there were so many!
  13. Thank you so much for this! It is great to have a comprehensive, consolidated list
  14. Yes, there were. I have a few.
  15. Georgeous pics!!!! Helps newbies to learn. Thanks eveyone. With all these pics to look at, It begs the question, Nine and tails can take on both a very defined as well as somewhat of a deformed state correct? And not all will have pontil marks since it is a trait of more than one company from different decades ???? Help--? Do any newer or existing companies ever replicate the 9 and tail? Thanks for ant expertise input!
  16. And I have only started to collect. These little orbs pull you in. It's hard to stop looking at them. It's mesmerizing.
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