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Everything posted by MarbleDawg86

  1. This one I'm not sure. What looks like flea bites all over is actually sand? or something trapped all inside the glass. whatever it is, there's lots of it! .855" diameter And this one is slightly over 1/2'', has two ground pontils. Is this a handmade moonie? Has that orangey amber glow when backlit.
  2. There was a topic on here titled "Original Kokomo Packaging" has several marbles believed to be Kokomo, including a blue and red one that is very similar to the one in your pic.
  3. Not sure. It definitely is a mystery. But I do know that they made a black and blue pattern in more recent years named "thunderbolt". It, like all of the newer vacors, has the really slick wet looking "new" glass. That's the only way I knew mine wasn't as such.
  4. So..... What about this? The glass is definitely vintage, so I know it's 100% not Vacor... Not great condition, but I purchased to learn from. The opaque black matches some of the black on a few of my peerless patches so I'm assuming pelt.
  5. Makes sense! Thanks for clearing that up. God Bless y'all for what you're trying to accomplish.
  6. Not to stir the pot....... But why only 80% (generous as that may be)? If its all for the kids why not 100%? Not trying to start anything, just curious where the 20% is going..............
  7. They are very nice looking. I have to agree with Galen... eBay seller supermarbles sells some that look very similar.... Just in case though, I'd hang on to these for a while if I were you!
  8. Got a few up for sale. Including this Akro Blueberryade Moss Agate http://www.ebay.com/sch/andrewklein86/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=
  9. I had one that was exactly the same. I thought it was a peerless patch as welll. Until I put a light behind it and it turned out to be a dark green base also. Ended up being a jabo. My vote is that's what you've got as well.
  10. Yes, pics please. I wanna know if the possible purchase has been correctly identified.
  11. I believe it's a blue base with black swirls... If I'm correct and it doesn't always have to have aventurine. At least so I've been told. I've heard the name bruiser too, which I think is the same color combo... So I'm not sure if there is a difference. Maybe someone with more pelt knowledge will chime in
  12. How common are these? And what is the going rate for one that is 21/32 and in NM condition? Thinking about buying one from a collector that lives in a nearby town.
  13. Any pics of red aventurine? I've never seen on either!
  14. Oh, and sometimes the bands can have gaps and sometimes they can be much deeper below the surface... Like shrunken onionskins
  15. IMO it's a Joseph's coat swirl. Too many bands to be a banded transparent. Josephs Coat Swirls have multicolored bands placed very close together. The colors can also be very bright or more earthy. There may be many different colors in the bands or as few as two.
  16. White base with single stream blue swirl...... Dug from Paden City Marble King
  17. Here ya go! Pond -scum green exactly like Ann said!
  18. I have a clear one with the same... I'll see if I can get a pic sometime soon
  19. Agree with Galen. It's an onionskin lutz. Nice one. I've got a peewee onion the same color but no lutz.
  20. Is the shooter on top in middle black and yellow???????
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