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Everything posted by cheese

  1. There is some size relation to swirls talk here https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=52143
  2. cheese

    2 WVS

    Just for info, two dug Pennsboro Alleys. The left being closer to the one on the left in the OP.
  3. Dang I need to remember to check this thread more often Kille drizzle coral Ric, Great Cairo box Desouza!
  4. cheese

    2 WVS

    I think the right is Pelt and left is WVS based on the two views.
  5. I haven't read all the posts between the op and my reply but the first and last appear to be new.
  6. cheese

    5/8 WVS

    I agree with St. Mary's Alley.
  7. cheese


    Lol it happens, I've kicked myself plenty too. Can't get em all. But you can sure try
  8. cheese


    That first one is pretty killer! Second one is nice too. I would think they were pistachios but if the glow isn't there then they aren't. The first one I would have nabbed in a heartbeat even if it didn't glow. Still good marbles either way.
  9. I remember when you first came on and were showing those type marbles We were all saying they sort of look like Vitros but something's wrong. All we could say was "foreign". I see now you've got a name attached for the type. More marble pieces of the puzzle falling into place. Nice.
  10. Interesting. I recently found some Champion non-swirls too. They are sort of patch type, built more like a Master. I haven't taken photos or made a post about it yet, figuring I need to get all my facts and photos and ducks in a row before posting. I think it may have been a short and even possibly accidental production, with examples and info supporting that. When I get some time I'll post about them. I'll be looking for cateyes with relation to Champ now. I love marble collecting, so fun with new challenges and possibilities all the time.
  11. Thanks Ric. No date or Vitro name on the bags. I agree with 70s or possibly late 60s. Don Miller had this case and sold bags out of if at a few shows and I kept after him wanting to buy the cardboard. At the Old South show, he gave me the cardboard from the box.
  12. Some Vitro bags and the cardboard from the case they came in.
  13. cheese


    St. Mary's Alley, not named.
  14. Are you seeing AV or the thousand tiny bubbles? I can't see definite AV on my screen but it can be hard to photograph sometimes. Does it glow with UV?
  15. Send a backlit pic maybe. I can see both sides here and would want as much detail as possible before choosing a maker. I will say the glass looks better than the average vacor.
  16. 1990s Champions I believe. If they were "dug" they were probably in the warehouse Champion agate used that was recently demolished. Thousands, maybe millions of marbles littered the ground.
  17. There are multiple makers in most all your groups. You've got them sorted well for beginner stages though. Sorting them beyond the level you've gotten them to wil take knowledge and experience. Try posting 3 or 4 from a group that have different characteristics and see how they are IDed, then look in the group for more that match them and sub-divide your groups by that and you'll be well on your way. Nice marbles!
  18. I'm not seeing Cairo or Heaton. I'd put it with my Akros.
  19. Vitro was my thought as well. Cool one.
  20. I agree with Rainbo or tweener era.
  21. cheese


    The fish eye in the flintie is a result of the translucent glass in the center being pinched at the poles where the cutter squeezed the ingot and you can see a bit of what's inside. Break a flintie open and you can see the different glass inside. I've seen flinties in white, tan, green, peach, blue, red, purple, yellow, black, and maybe other colors. But the inside is a translucent maybe opal type glass. To resemble flint, which often has a slight translucence as well. Here is a big flintie broken in half to see the inside (dug at Akro).
  22. February at the beach, come warm up and get some sun and sand!
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