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Everything posted by cheese

  1. I remember one similar. Don't have them in hand but it reminds me of them.
  2. No problem. These are the early ones that confuse people. Wider seams and often larger marbles during those times.
  3. Here are some examples. Sorry for the confusion. Early ones looked like Akro (they were Akro employees, so of course they would start off similarly).
  4. Today I see the one color is light blue? Last night when I looked, for some reason it looked translucent white (maybe due to lighting being low and monitor turned down). Now that I see light blue I'm going with early Master.
  5. Another cool Vitro Here's a Heaton, the vanes are just loaded AV crystals. Another green Heaton or Bogard in green base And a couple blue/yellow/brown Heatons
  6. I like cateyes. especially the pastel Vitros.
  7. I agree with Steph. 2 colors when counting as a marble collector.
  8. I never heard of any rainbo named "starry sky"? I agree these are Popeye patches from Akro.
  9. I've been hearing these called "purple haze" for the past many years.
  10. Thanks, I *think*?... almost disturbing that I recognized that. Like maybe I need to back away from the marbles lol.
  11. Nice box! Funny, but I noticed by just that little corner in the top left that you have a Kayson's box up there LOL.
  12. https://www.ebay.com/itm/175962761040?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=XkopdknASDK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=qv4nsv2brjw&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=FB_MSG&fbclid=IwAR12t3jlHmzhZqF--n-LyU5Dl-K9xcKO54KXlyA5yNbYp4l-3dLFZRbZd80 Chocomibs or whatever name he's going by now that he's burned the reputation on a few.
  13. Could be a mill ball, a check valve ball, or lots of things. The pump balls would set on a rubber or leather seat and let water flow one direction as it pushes the ball off the seat, but not the other direction, which pushes the ball tight to the seat and seals it.
  14. This is hand gathered. I agree with Japanese probably.
  15. Ric is right, plus they were used in filtration systems (sewage, etc...).
  16. Modern. There won't be a pontil on a crockery marble. This was probably a media ball before being made into this.
  17. That was my suspicion as well. It's a nice one. Are these 5/8" Josh?
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