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Everything posted by cheese

  1. I have one of these too, thanks to a good friend. Mine also has patches. But it also has marbles that look very, very much like Pennsboro Alleys and they were known to buy from other companies so much that it's hard to tell what they made and didn't. The lack of found material when the site was dug doesn't help either. I'm pretty confident that these marbles are original to the box but not that they are all made by Alox (my box, not Ron's). I see Ron's also has two of the red/white Pennsboro Alley looking marbles in his too. I don't know where his box went, I thought I got most all his Alox stuff but this wasn't with it.
  2. Good chance of Cairo for the top two and lower left.
  3. Not really. The width of the seam is about that though. The patch can be a sliver or half the marble.
  4. Better lighting may help but I think this may be a Master.
  5. What size do you normally see? Most of what I see is around that size or a tad under.
  6. cheese

    4 swirls

    I can go with that ID from Chuck G.
  7. The syrupy greenish tinted base glass, the pattern of the white, the quality of the glass, and the bubbles. Here are some Cairos to compare to:
  8. Sure does look like a Cairo. That's what I'd call it.
  9. I've never seen this type of AV on any old maker other than Alley and Heaton. Before recent digs, it was only Alley (proving that we can't use the presence of this type of AV as solid proof of maker). I don't recognize this marble as a known type so it comes down to other traits. The marble doesn't look Alley to me. It looks Cairo at first glance and really if it didn't have all that AV I would have suggested Cairo as a maker. It may be but I would want a closer and more thorough look at it, trying to be sure it's not Alley. I'm assuming its around 5/8".
  10. until
    Right off interstate 75, the hotel is at the exit 22 for highway 41 in Valdosta Georgia, just North of the Florida line. The hotel is great and very accommodating, kitchenettes, hot breakfast, the place is extremely nice at it's price point. Ask for the marble show rates for a room discount. Great locally owned places to eat on the same road that the hotel is on and an amusement park and nature park nearby. Free IDs, appraisals, and a bag of marbles for the kids while supplies last. In room trading from Wed to Fri, then the show on Sat. Come help us make this great, it is already looing like it will be a hit. 20 eight-foot tables reserved by vendors so far!
  11. Just North of the Florida line on I-75. Free admission, free IDs and appraisals, kids get a free bag of marbles while supplies last. 20 tables of vendors so far. The time is getting near, call or message me for a table(s) and come see us! Come early for in room trading and good times with good people! The hotel is right there at the exit, very nice, good locally owned places to eat and things to do! Wonderful hotel that is eager to please all show-goers!
  12. 🤣Yeah the Appalachian Sunrise run from DAS is what that one's from. Some of those are really full of bling.
  13. Great find on the Neon Conqueror!
  14. cheese


    All 4 are Alleys from St. Mary's.
  15. No Pelts there. First is a MK, then Vitro that likely has an opal quality to the base glass when backlit, and a Vitro Conqueror era marble.
  16. Here you go Jason, this is what me reply box looks like when I message you. No spot to attach anything.
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