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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Thanks! Shooter too, I think it's around 13/16". Came out of a 5 gallon bucket of dirty Pennsboro Alleys from Ron.
  2. cheese

    4 Alley?

    Lower right - Ravenswood, the rest Alley.
  3. What does it look like backlit and also blacklit? Might be a Jackson.
  4. cheese


    You don't see metal on Imperials too often. Here's one still in the original packaging:
  5. cheese


    Imperial. The copper color came from in the tank though, not the roller. Nice find!
  6. It's Sammy's, but not a big 3 incher. I think this one is 2 inches. He had two from this cane and I bought both. Pretty amazing conversation pieces and artwork, they are on my mantle piece and guests always go straight to them for a better look.
  7. 13/16 is possible but not common for RW. But it is one if you ask me.
  8. I agree with Ric, the top right looks like it could be one and maybe the bottom one. The others don't look right in those pics.
  9. Oh dang, sorry lol. Got to studying the pics too long. Man, it might be a CAC. Tough one for sure. Not a lot of white for a CAC but leaning that way.
  10. I agree with Master but I see what Steph is talking about. I have some of the caramels stashed away, they are nice marbles.
  11. cheese

    3/4 WVS

    No, that one I would put with JABO. I was talking about vintage swirls, which this one isn't IMO. Especially with Josh and Ric thinking the same.
  12. I see Master for all pics in this thread so far FWIW.
  13. cheese

    3/4 WVS

    Not a deal breaker but makes you really want to disqualify those makers. Also Davis and Jackson, although there were a few Jacksons found that big, I think it was done on a 5/8" machine same as Cairo I believe. But Cairo was all over the place, like they had a hard time making consistent sized marbles. I'd say more than 90% of vintage shooter swirls will be Alley.
  14. cheese

    3/4 WVS

    Champion is very unlikely at that size too, unless NOF.
  15. Vitro here too. Pleasing one.
  16. cheese


    I think another newer MK.
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