They're Jacksons. Pretty sure I know where this bag came from originally. A lady who's husband was Wilson Davis, founder of the Davis Marble company had a box of these in her basement years ago if I recall the story correctly (Ron?). The box was full of these mesh bags, new old stock, and Ron told her that people would love to buy them. He bought one, then took some to some shows and helped her sell some. She insisted that they were Davis marbles in them but they were all Jacksons. She even had an affidavit created and notarized that the contents were Davis marbles and included a copy with each sale because she didn't like people saying they were Jacksons, but they are Jacksons upon close inspection and comparison to known and dug Jackson examples. I bet, by the condition of this bag, that it came from that box. Nice bag! Many bags full like this got covered by concrete under the building standing on the location of the Jackson factory now. If only they knew what they would be worth.