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Everything posted by cheese

  1. The real tricky part is that some of these exact marbles are attributed to Cairo, Jackson, Davis, AND Playwright. Even with dug examples from some of these locations matching and to compound matter, even dug cullet matching. I have theories on this but I'm still working on it. I saw the photos posted by the Playwright heir on facebook with the letter from playwright but they appear to be Jacksons FWIW.
  2. Batch glass is made from scratch with sand and other chemicals. Other is when cullet was used.
  3. Clear Clown, red/yellow rainbo, and clear clown again from what I see. Here is a Tequila Sunrise:
  4. Oh yeah, Playwright not Davis. I came close but got one major detail wrong.
  5. They're Jacksons. Pretty sure I know where this bag came from originally. A lady who's husband was Wilson Davis, founder of the Davis Marble company had a box of these in her basement years ago if I recall the story correctly (Ron?). The box was full of these mesh bags, new old stock, and Ron told her that people would love to buy them. He bought one, then took some to some shows and helped her sell some. She insisted that they were Davis marbles in them but they were all Jacksons. She even had an affidavit created and notarized that the contents were Davis marbles and included a copy with each sale because she didn't like people saying they were Jacksons, but they are Jacksons upon close inspection and comparison to known and dug Jackson examples. I bet, by the condition of this bag, that it came from that box. Nice bag! Many bags full like this got covered by concrete under the building standing on the location of the Jackson factory now. If only they knew what they would be worth.
  6. I agree with Sistersville Alley. Too busy for Heaton, wrong glass and pattern. Those wide white bird head shapes at the ends of the swirls and fine points point to Sistersville Alley. If you're looking for ear shapes, they can be found in lots of swirls. When the swirl makes predominately an ear shape and not much else, that's when to think Heaton, but as always, it's just one tool in the box, not a hard law.
  7. cheese

    ID on these

    2 Europeans and a really beat Japanese transitional is what I see.
  8. Can't tell if it's a red raven or an unnamed type. Should have a light tan to tan color, this one is a little darker than some but good for comparison. I'll include a shot of a few lighter ones on a towel for comparison too.
  9. I agree, the middle one might be ravenswood. Is the base tan or white?
  10. cheese


    Alley St. Mary's Ghost.
  11. Yeah, I'd call that Ravenswood.
  12. Common asian cateye glass.
  13. The dark blue one could be Ravenswood, not sure from the one pic. The other three appear to be Alleys. I'm leaning Alley for all 4 from this pic.
  14. Yes, good photo, now you see what I mean about the glass being too good for it to be Cairo. The left does appear to be a Cairo.
  15. No not really, if transparent purple points to anyone in swirls I guess it would be Sistersville Alley. But I've never seen it in any Cairos like this.
  16. I'm down for Ravenswood. The glass is too nice for Cairo IMO but I see why it was suggested. Also I see the purple in it and the metallic bit at the seam.
  17. Agreed all JABO. The 3 marked ones are a little darker but the glass constantly changes coming out of the tank.
  18. Not a patch but a swirl from St. Mary's Alley.
  19. Ravenswood is what I see as well.
  20. There is not a commercially made one or anything, the one I got is 15 years old and custom made. The motors on it are ~50 years old lol. I can put wooden dowels on it and some barkeeper's friend in some water and run it for a few minutes and clean that hard to get off dirt spot that's on so many dug Heatons. Saves so much work.
  21. Hi Chris. They were for some time called Champions because they were included in the champion Bicentennial bags but many marbles from Ravenswood, MK, and other makers were packed in those bags. Those bags had 30-40 year old marbles in some of them when they were made. These more muted RWBs on the greyish base have been proven to come from Ravenswood by original packaging and digging. Often they will have a little blip of a coppery splotch on them too, which I think this one above has at the seam.
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