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Everything posted by cheese

  1. The first is a flopped ingot style. It's either JABO or Cairo. The size could go for either. I agree not Vitro, by construction and also the seedy glass. I lean toward JABO but they don't usually have the seedy glass either. Looks a bit too nice glass and tightly folded for what I'd expect from Cairo this size.
  2. cheese


    Heaton Sweet Potato group.
  3. That's a swirl and Master didn't make swirls that I know of.
  4. Oooh, I'm not Chad and I don't have the marble but I can see that through the blur. It's the only thing that makes sense, I am betting you nailed it. Good job (even if it's not lol).
  5. Steph, I just knew someone would say Kokomo, that's what it looked like to me too in the blurry pic.
  6. Nice one Steph, especially with that color shift in it. I don't remember seeing it before. Ok here's one that shouldn't be too hard, just a bad pic I had on file but I have the second shot which was focused to show as well. Fun game idea Fire, I like a challenge.
  7. Oops thought I clicked on the WV wednesday thread and posted that calligraphy here instead. Let me fix that...
  8. I agree with akroorka, Vacor and Vitro.
  9. Just went and scooped around in my big plastic tub-o-jabos and pulled a few out to help ease any uncertainty. Cell phone pics, sorry.
  10. Lol thanks, Ron wasn't there for that. I was supposed to be but I got sick with Covid the day I was supposed to leave. Supposed to be at the next one though.
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