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Everything posted by hdesousa

  1. Not my box. Pics pirated from eBay. It's the same size as the 106 box. Here's the eBay description of the White King Soap Box: Vintage White King Soap Box with 6 Peltier Rainbo Marbles (5/8").Box is in good shape with small damage on the "A" of rainbo (see pic) and worn edges Box dimensions are 2 1/2" X 2 1/4. White King soap advertising on back side. Marbles are white with green swirl. Rare piece! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Peltier-Rainbo-5-8-034-marbles-in-box-White-King-Soap-Advertising-1940-039-s-/121576790343
  2. L.A. Soap Co. About to Shut Down, Sell Land : 127-Year-Old Company a Washout in Recent Intense Competition December 14, 1987|CARLA LAZZARESCHI | Times Staff Writer After decades of proudly touting itself as one of the city's oldest companies, Los Angeles Soap Co.--whose White King label was a California household staple for more than a century--is quietly winding down its 127-year-old operation and preparing to slip out of business. In a letter sent to shareholders earlier this month, Andrew K. Forthmann Sr., the company's 77-year-old chairman and grandson of its founder, said efforts to rescue Los Angeles Soap's money-losing operations had failed, and that executives were planning to sell its assets. http://articles.latimes.com/1987-12-14/business/fi-19280_1_los-angeles-soap-s-home
  3. Here's the other box: http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/catalog/26780/october-20th-2012-marble--14-
  4. This is a different box set. Did it sell by "buy it now"?
  5. Stains on the box top make each of these boxes distinguishable from one another. I think the eBay seller did not want this box recognized. Still no feedback left either by the seller or buyer. Either someone got a good deal or was scammed or most likely the seller was having a bit of fun, pirating a picture from Morphys and listing the item cheap.
  6. Craig, I don't understand your point. Are you saying your buddy bought a similar box? But this is the same exact box picture on Morphy's and on eBay. Hansel
  7. Corporate offices remained in Akron until Akro closed in 1951.http://www.americantoymarbles.com/glossary.htm Don't know where the paperwork went, but I bet someone still alive would know. The stock certificates I have are from Joe Borque, who had befriended Clinton Israel, an ex Akro employee and founder of Master Glass Co.. New stock certificates had been issued in 1917. They're probably with the minutes.
  8. According to AMMM, Hill, Gilbert and Marsh went into business in 1910 as the Akro Agate Company. It must have been public knowledge that Hill's partners knew, right from the beginning, of his "indiscretions" as you put it. Would not have made them look any better had they reclaimed his Akro stock. The company kept minutes of their meetings. In the last page of the book of stock certificates, is a notation signed by Pflueger that a sample certificate was removed and added to the minute book. Wouldn't those minutes be priceless!
  9. Don't know. Not mine. I'll try to find out, but it may take a while. What's the significance of "smooth cutoffs with some having tiny straight indentations, Or rough with the semi-curved cut off"?
  10. Lest that's confusing, here's a partially filled box containing traditional bloodies and those electric orange slags. Don't ask me why the box is marked "Moons" on the upper left of the lid. That's the way I bought these boxes.
  11. When Akro was incorporated on October 1, 1914, total authorized capital stock of $6000 was divided into 60 shares of $100 each. Only 40 shares were issued, on Oct 31 1914 to: John M. Rowley - 9 shares George T. Rankin Jr. - 10 shares G.C. Marsh - 10 shares H.C. Hill -10 shares E.E. McGalliard -1 share Here are those 5 certificates: All were all cancelled (red script) July 30, 1917 and reissued to the same stock holders, except for certificate #4, which belonged to Horace Hill. Since Mr. Hill died March 31, 1916, his certificate had been reissued to Gilbert Marsh on July 6, 1916 (certificate #6) Certificate #6 was cancelled October 24, 1916 and reissued to George A. Pflueger as Certificate #7 Certificates #8 to #100 were never issued.
  12. There's that Robert W. Kellogg name again! Thanks for posting.
  13. Yes. 1 October 1914 John M. Rowley George T. Rankin Jr. G.C. Marsh H.C. Hill E.E. McGalliard Hill's address is given as Clarksburg, West Virginia Everyone else lived in Akron, O., roughly 200 miles away. No wonder the company's offices and owners remained in Akron until the company closed in 1951.http://www.americantoymarbles.com/glossary.htm I've not seen E.E. McGalliard mentioned in any published history of the Akro Agate Company, but he was issued one share of the company right from its inception.
  14. Never seen a big one like what you've pictured. Here's a link to how the modern Italian ones are made: http://www.landofmarbles.com/laura-berretti.html
  15. A great video on mochaware: http://www.marthastewart.com/915932/making-mochaware-pottery#915932
  16. Very nice looking polymer clay marbles. How do you get the 3-D effect with an opaque medium, or is the clay really translucent?
  17. Yes, only one is stone. But what we commonly call mochaware may be a misnomer. If the marble is made up of different colored clays and not just slip decorated, it should probably be called agateware. There are both agateware and mochaware items listed here: http://www.ebay.ie/itm/c-1840-1880-Agateware-ring-flask-spreading-foot-mocha-ware-/321254511158
  18. Just came across this. The music should make anyone smile. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkYVNdOJEoc
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