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Everything posted by slagmarble

  1. slagmarble

    Red Slags

    This is something I've shown at another time, but heres where I keep a good chunk of what I've collected: I stash away the rest in a couple of wall mounted cases as well as jars. I'm always looking to add to it! -Brad
  2. slagmarble

    Red Slags

    Until I got to the fourth photo I couldn't figure out where the real damage was. Still very rare in that shape, thanks for posting the photos! -Brad
  3. slagmarble

    Red Slags

    Even banged up that 1"er is very rare. I have yet to clear 7/8" but seem to have no trouble finding that particular size. Any chance we could get some close ups of the big guy? -Brad
  4. slagmarble

    Red Slags

    Could be the angle but it looks like there are some very large reds in there. How big are the biggest ones? RD I hear ya man, they are a tough find! I was trying to find the thread you had running a long time ago about big clears. Someone had some shots in there of a 1 1/4" whose pattern blows mine away. Here we go: http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/i...ic=1214&hl= Zaboo knows where the monster is! Or knew anyways. -Brad
  5. slagmarble

    Red Slags

    Second group runs from 9/16" up to i think 13/16" and all in between. Just some examples of pattern/color combo that I like. Anything over an inch in white/clear is pretty darn rare. I'd say its probably as tough to find as purple in that size...maybe a little more. -Brad Edit: Heres an informative post on the upper limits for some of the other colors that are out there. Some very expensive and rare slags pictured in this one: http://www.landofmarbles.com/phpbb/showthr...ight=clear+slag This post is one of my favorites to refer back to, there are so many large htf colors pictured all in one group. Heres another really good one for the big guys: http://www.landofmarbles.com/phpbb/showthread.php?t=5759 The second post is much much older and no longer has the photos intact...maybe if we ask nicely/pester -Brad
  6. slagmarble

    Red Slags

    Thanks for the info. I have seen at least 3, that I can recall, browns at 1 7/8" but only 1 green that size and sadly it had been polished. I have to assume the greens are quite a bit harder to find. -Brad
  7. slagmarble

    Red Slags

    My digital just got off the charger so its time for some more photos: All at or very close to 1 1/4" Just some others I like: -Brad
  8. slagmarble

    Red Slags

    Akronmarbles, I've been wondering for a while now just how big particular colors got under MFC. That larger purple HG in your post got me thinking. I know we've discussed brown and blue at some other point on this board but how about green, purple, and clear? They had to be at or over 1 1/4"....right? -Brad Edit: The largest blue I have seen was 1 11/16" but the pattern was no where near as nice as the blue you have shown there. Its really an outstanding example.
  9. slagmarble

    Red Slags

    For what its worth RD the collector I bought it from is far more knowledgeable than I in the ways of the slags and thats what he called it. I suppose it has just barely enough feathering to qualify for the trait along with that blowout pit. We've been down the feathering road before...its possible someone else made it, definetly. -Brad
  10. slagmarble

    Red Slags

    Marbleclueless I've never seen this shade before! Is it really that bright of a purple in hand? Very nice examples all over the thread. I am interested in that slag egg you have posted there Akronmarbles. Was it intentionally made egg shaped? Pontils? Learn something new every day around here Heres the only purple pelt I have thats a lighter purple complete with pop: -Brad
  11. slagmarble

    Red Slags

    Not red...but one I picked up and haven't yet photographed: 1 1/4 -Brad Edit: couple reds so I stick with the theme:
  12. slagmarble

    Red Slags

    I tried for those big greens there RD but to no avail, i did however come away with that purple HG with a little something extra... -Brad
  13. Not the greatest photos in the world...but these slags are held in place by pressure and tend to move when I open the case Anyhow...you should be able to see some of the base color variation. They really do stick out like a sore thumb when put against other colors. -Brad
  14. Seems more swirl-like in construction imho. -Brad
  15. I'll get some photos for you this weekend provided the sun decides to come out....Jon's dead on stick the candidate between a red and a brown and it should stick out like a sore thumb. -Brad
  16. Looks like an MFC brick. MFC's also show a chevron like effect next to the shear mark. The devils in the details. -Brad
  17. Not an MFC product IMHO. They had an extremely limited selection for colors and for combinations when compared to your typical CAC's and Akro's etc. In addition if its lavender, then technically its no longer a slag. I can't remember for sure but I think that type of shear is similar to the ones found from the mystery company (possibly Canadian?). I think Tankgrrl is dead on. There is one heck of a set of these you can view here: http://www.landofmarbles.com/phpbb/showthread.php?t=8536 -Brad
  18. I have to say of everything pictured here that Bill's mottled blue is the real show stealer IMHO! RD You need to post photos of that brown one you have!! Its got something very similar and is outstanding. I need some sunlight... -Brad
  19. I thought about that too Galen, thats why I felt compelled to ask the HG question...where are all the "9" pattern guineas? Then I thought...the only reason we can see the 9 in the first place is because the gathered glass was pre-mixed (in the case of slags opaque white and a transparent base) and then twisted. Since (as far as I know) Guineas only come in a uniform single transparent base color...and based on the knowledge presented here the frit could be added after the gather...would there even be evidence of the handgather left aside from a shear mark? I think the inefficiency of having the extra step could explain why Guineas are a tough catch to begin with. If its true the extra step might make them less cost efficient and therefore less were made. -Brad
  20. Ask a silly (stupid) question I know but this ones been eating at me... So we have handgathered opaques, transparents (blue ray at least), and slags from CAC. Why aren't there handgathered Guineas? -Brad
  21. Man thats huge! There can't be many of those that size floating around. Makes me wonder though...we have the so called crystal bricks from MFC that were tailor made...I wonder if its possible the super guinea was the same thing? -Brad
  22. I see where you are going with this Dan...the whole Popeye thing... If you follow the logic behind any other normal slag you can't call a clear slag white. The color name for slags is always based off the transparent color in the marble so it has to be clear in this case. If you call them white slags, then all slags are white slags that just happen to have different colors mixed in. I'm surprised no one took the bait on my rulebreakers post -Brad Edit: My avatar breaks the rule too for a slag. If you look really close there is a lavender ribbon that traces the handgather right between the opaque white and the aqua. I've noticed this is a pretty common addition kinda like oxblood in normal aqua slags, whereas my avatar is a melted pontil.
  23. A white slag would really be a solid white opaque marble using this definition. Other things that don't really meet the definition: 3+ Color Leighton Cane cut slags (non maglite varieties) MFC oxblood slag Japanese pinch pontil (the 2 opaque color variety) I am sure there are others.... -Brad
  24. Thats a spaghetti swirl a.k.a. wire pull... I have made the observation that its Peltier collectors who typically call clear slags white. I don't mean to generalize of course...its just an observation. Not sure why this is either. -Brad
  25. Think of it this way, take a blue slag. Its blue because the base is blue and it has opaque white swirled into it. By definition a slag is a transparent base with opaque white. It doesn't get much more transparent than clear glass. So clear base with opaque white, is a clear slag. -Brad
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