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Everything posted by J_Ding

  1. J_Ding


    Oh yeah, good call...they are cloudy and bubbly...chalk up another wrong turn for me! I guess I haven't paid enough attention to this side of Master.
  2. J_Ding


    That cloudy base glass makes me think Akro moss agate (or all those others that made moss agate type marbles...which give me fits sometimes), and but, I've been wrong lots of times before. (glass doesn't move enough to be a Pelt realor either) John
  3. That is the safe way to go for sure...all my notes just call all of these onyx. John
  4. I wonder too. Is a cardinal red just a red onyx, or are onyx that have a red base glass just the same as cardinal reds? I only ever get to see boxes of cardinal reds shot from far away, so it is really hard to tell if there is anything different going on. If my experience is any measure (who knows, maybe not), I do find more onyx with a red base glass than I do other onyx with a different base glass such as orange or green or amber (and others...I'd have to check). Maybe they just made a bunch more red onyx, put them in boxes, and called them cardinal reds. Cool mib! John
  5. Those are outstanding! I need orange now! John
  6. J_Ding

    This Patch

    Well that makes sense. Neither of those guesses really seem to fit...I guess one of those very straight and long Akros. Fooled by the outliers again. Good call. John
  7. 0.63"...and the cuts are very long...which makes me think CAC or German. Might be that or something else. Thanks in advance. John
  8. Happy to! Thanks for the bump. A bit more content, and a near shooter at 0.74". Rich egg yolk and ox on this one. John
  9. Funny! I'm foolish to even look at transparents I think, much less the many UFO opaque marbles just waiting for ID. At times, I'm terrible with both. John
  10. This one at 0.58" is worth getting some opinions on too. Thanks! John
  11. At 0.61" a transparent swirl. I'm still very much trying to get my head around these. They are tough! This one seemed a bit distinctive in structure, base glass, and bubbles. Wondering what guess or guesses there might be. I can't get Jackson, Alox, Cairo or CAC out of this one, but then again... Thanks in advance. John
  12. Ran into this auger and thought I'd post. Only seeing one auger on this thread it seems...I think there should be more. Here is one. John
  13. J_Ding


    I agree Steph. Not a chalky. Off the beach perhaps, or just wear, or a poorly tumbled mib. Or who knows? John
  14. J_Ding

    This One

    Trust me on this one friends, I didn't find anything in that big jar that was even close to new (didn't see anything likely past the WWII). Not saying that a new one couldn't be mixed in, but nothing that I could find. John
  15. J_Ding

    This One

    I will have to check the measurement. I don't know else to guess...but don't have any matches that is for sure. We'll see what others think.
  16. J_Ding

    This One

    This one is out there, but I think it's a Vitro. But since it's so strange, I thought I should double check. 0.60" Thanks! John
  17. Thanks Steph! Good mibs deserve to be seen by more than just their owners! John
  18. Another, because I photographed it today. John
  19. J_Ding

    This Patch

    Thanks everyone. I love a good mystery! John
  20. J_Ding

    This Patch

    Thanks. I guess I had this in the right place after all. John
  21. J_Ding

    This Patch

    Thanks Ric: I only said Kokomo because I had no idea! Couldn't rule out a weird Vitro either. And, while it wasn't like the Kokomos I've seen or have, I am sure I haven't seen them all, so that was a guess. Thanks Chuck, perhaps it is a Pelt but that glass is odd...these weird and tough to place mibs are a favorite of mine...and I guess if that is what I'm drawn to, then I'd better get used to some uncertainty. John
  22. Thanks Ann! Somewhere I have one like yours in #14! Now I gotta find it! Helpful! John
  23. This one is 0.58", doesn't have Pelty glass. Could this be Kokomo? Thanks! John
  24. At 0.61" and unusual glass on this one. Am I foolish for going back and for the on this one? It glows like crazy too. Leaning Vitro for what it's worth. Thanks! John
  25. Nice to see the one in post # 74. I've got an example or two somewhere that I've wondered if they were Masters. Will go looking for them. Not sure I can make the two colors in that one. Cool mib.
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