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Everything posted by fentonacres

  1. I can't believe it is almost spring already. My big intention of spending winter selling my marbles obviously got pushed aside by other interests such as winter gardening, binge watching things like Fargo, Sinner, etc. As spring cleaning is upon us, I was wondering IF I were to sell my marbles in lots such as this, do you think there would be interest? I have seen sales this way but not sure it is the best way - but I don't really have the time or interest to sell individually.
  2. The pistachio discussion had me looking at these goodies. I never before tested their reactivity but the all light up pink to some degree.
  3. Going through my severely damaged marbles. This one seems solid. I can picture the glass as similar to some Ohio or west Virginia pieces I used to own. Any ideas.
  4. fentonacres


    This cat comes together as a quad on one side but more like.some type of seam on the other. It has a tread of brown as well. Any thoughts.
  5. I have more slags than anything. In every color from turquoise to red. I love them since each is unique.
  6. Cats aren't my favs but some I think are interesting. Not sure the blue one was supposed.to be a cat like yours. The peach color I find interesting. And this green one which varies in color.
  7. A larger marble. Sorry. Busy cooking dinner or I would go measure it.
  8. These were in my grandfather's collection but I sure don't think they are old. Any clues ? The glass is very bubbly. The orange and white is "flat" and opaque.
  9. When you say St Marys, do you mean St Marys, WV? Curious as my marbles come from my grandparents' estate which was in St Marys, WV. It might explain some things.
  10. The sparkle in these is like a disco ball.
  11. Having a helluva time getting better pics. I do think there is AV but it is subtle and minimal.
  12. Will do. Sitting on my hutch for exploration tomorrow and may more, better pics. As is clear, it isn't in mint condition
  13. I dunno. I think maybe we have had this discussion. I think there is a little AV in the black but I need to look at it in daylight.
  14. So. Is this a "helmut?" The white is opaque but the dark is deep purple.
  15. The bottom one almost has a "bat" design. If you use your imagination
  16. A couple of others? I am just learning and have no real idea what I have.
  17. YES. In fact, I need to go over some of my cobalts. Never considered that. But I, too, have some that I thought were clear but have the faintest wash of the pink in blacklight. Pretty awesome.
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