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Everything posted by ManofKent

  1. Came across this Pressman puzzle game at a reasonable price and liked the graphics: I'm guessing the marbles are probably Alley or Marble King depending on age.
  2. Filling in Q Qualatex (not mine): You can go back to T now
  3. If the condition is good it sounds a decent deal, but don't expect to make much on them. The list price for most of the more modern Peltier bags is around 15USD. I'd pick up one for my collection at around 9-12USD but personally wouldn't pay much more.
  4. Thanks. Found another 1" swirl (still looking without success for blue ones):
  5. You've probably worked out my level of self-control
  6. I was trying to resist expanding the collection into contemporaries, but Brian's work on his Miller Machine led me into temptation... My favourite of the four:
  7. Nice example Winnie. I suspect mine looked more like that once upon a time...
  8. Yes slag, but I couldn't confidently say from who.
  9. Thanks ladies. I'm so used to the wirepulls I come across being 'less-filled' and shooter size I didn't associate the two
  10. Transparent swirl or busy slag? I think the flat spot is just a chip.
  11. Nice marbles Winnie. Is there anyway without known provenance to identify Sisterville?
  12. 5/8". Could be a game marble, but the colour contrast seems a bit too strong. I've not seen such a defined square tab before. Agree on the 'butt-crack'
  13. Yes! A very nice marble to arrive through the letter box.
  14. Green and white plainish marble - can't really assign it a type with a very noticeable squared off seam. I'm guessing like the Master U or V seam this should be very recognizable, but I don't Thanks
  15. Thanks Seppenhutte it is (unless other glassworks produced the same design).
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