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Everything posted by ManofKent

  1. Good luck Bob. The place I've worked for twenty years, merged a few weeks back with another place making my job (and my wife's) redundant. Thankfully we've just had confirmation of redeployment to other roles.
  2. Useful I's never have guessed Champion for those without seeing the bag.
  3. I think it's Alley, but I really struggle with swirls
  4. tHA Thanks - thoughts on factory?
  5. 9/16" . Not Aventurine. Glass seems too good for Jabo. Was wondering Cairo. Colours reminded of some Sisterville, but swirl distribution looked atypical for that.
  6. What photo editor are you using?
  7. I've been siting here trying to identify them all. Didn't get much further than Peltier Sunset, a couple of Pelts that could be translucent enough to be Bloodies, a few definite Alley's before I go onto 'swiirls that give Richard a headache' Nice group.
  8. I'm still looking for a nice clear one. I like some of the ones with coloured strands as well, but sometimes they're 'over-egging the pudding' (no idea whether this phrase is in common usage in the US ).
  9. Jeff's fault again Amber with a ghost core - about 9/16"
  10. Unless the camera is distorting things they look like glass 'gems' made for florists rather than marbles.
  11. It's incredibly simple to make from scratch: https://britishfoodhistory.wordpress.com/2014/01/23/spotted-dick/ and as a child was a standard school dinner staple. Personally I've never liked steamed suet puddings or the custard that is an essential partner.
  12. It doesn't sound like they're pontils but I can't really tell from the photos. I wonder if they could be bottle stoppers - the photo I showed is an English bottle stopper, from a Codd type bottle (these are moulded). I'm not really familiar with American bottles, but the description sort of fits. Bubbles don't really tell you anything about the age.
  13. I think the lighting is playing visual tricks - the white isn't smooth and shiny - it's very much the same texture as Akro and Pelt slags
  14. They don't happen to look like this, but a slightly greener glass do they?
  15. I could cope with that in my collection
  16. Looks more Alley than Ravenswood to my inexperienced eyes. A beauty anyway!
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